Belle's reunion

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Mr. Gold arrived back at his shop distressed and furious from his meeting with Henry. He slammed the front door to his shop angrily as he strode slowly to the back to his office. He looked over at the umbrella stand that he was using to hold canes, swords and other walking sticks and pulled out an old walking cane with a metal handle; similar to the design of the cane he lost in Hades' Underworld while retrieving Henry. He walked back out to the front of the pawn shop with the cane in hand and looked around menacingly. Before he knew it, he was smashing glass taking his frustrations out on the display cases around him.

Glass exploded everywhere. No place was safe to walk. The entire floor was covered in debris from his destruction. He didn't care. He could feel his heart pound heavily against his chest. It felt good to release his anger somewhere beyond prying eyes. He thought of Belle as he heaved a few exhaustive pants and stopped immediately. He knew that if his heart was pounding in his chest then so was hers. He slammed the cane down to the ground and went back to his spinning wheel. His nostrils flared as he tried to catch his breath, doing his best to regain his composure. He sat down and spun the wheel in front of him, allowing the soothing sounds of wood knocking against each other to calm him down.

In little time he was able to calm himself down to a reasonable and more docile state. The bell jingled at the front of his shop alerting him of a customer that had walked in.

"As you can see from the horrific mess, my shop is closed," called Mr. Gold from the back of his shop.

"The sign on your front door does say open," called out a woman's voice. The mysterious person snapped her fingers and at the sound Mr. Gold stepped forward from beyond the veil. He looked about the shop and was completely surprised by how pristine and perfect the front of his shop looked, as if there wasn't any evidence of his anger from before.

"Miss Poppins," Gold greeted with an amicable smile. "You haven't aged a day."

"And neither have you, Rumplestiltskin. Though, I must admit, it has been a long time," Mary said returning the smile.

"Too long," Gold remarked, looking around the shop and then up at her. He inquired while pointing around the shop, "Did you do all of this?"

"Do what?"

"Use magic... in my shop...," Gold said looking around clearly confused, "it was in total disarray before you arrived, but now..."

"I have no earthly idea what you are talking about. Your shop looks perfectly fine to me. Though I must say you do seem to be... what's the word? Distressed? Dear, is everything alright?"

"Well you have always enjoyed popping in at unfortunate times."

"Perhaps that's your perspective. I believe I always happen to arrive at opportunistic circumstances at just the right time."

"Why are you here?"

Mary looked at Gold with knowing smile, "Come now Rumplestiltskin, you know why I'm here."

Gold thought back to their last conversation long ago and remembered, "Ah, yes... your Impossible Possible spell. How's that coming along? Still not successful, I see."

"There's no need to be cruel. I'm very optimistic that I'll find what I'm looking for here."

"And what makes you so sure?" he asked skeptically.

"For one, you're here... alive. Proving to me that the impossible is indeed possible, unless it's normal now for a human being to live beyond a hundred years?"

"From what I recall, you're looking for a place that will give you enough power to enact this spell. And I'm afraid to say, there's no magic here in Storybrooke."

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