Chapter 3: Goldie Locks

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I was at a concert, one of my favorite bands was playing. Grace and I had scored front row seats. Suddenly the lead singer saw me, walked to the edge of the stage, grabbed my hand and pulled me up with him! He opened his mouth to declare his love for me when... He started... Beeping... Wait what?

I opened my eyes with a groan. Sadly, it was just a dream. I didn't remember coming to bed, but I must have after finishing my dinner. My alarm read 9:00 and I slapped the snooze button. Just five more minutes was all I needed with my concert...

"Rise and shine, Charlie!" My mother called, barging into my room, "I cut up some fruit, do you want any? And I'm not allowing you to wear a tee shirt and shorts to this meeting. The first time you meet my boss's son you must look presentable." My mother declared.

Little did she know, I already met her boss's son, and I may or may not have been wearing bunny slippers.

I sat up and squinted through the light. Why couldn't we make this lesson later in the day? Or better yet, why couldn't they get someone, anyone, other than Parker to teach me?

I yawned and stretched. My mom threw a dress at me mid-yawn. I grunted at her and hauled my body out of bed. The dress she picked out was dark blue and fairly simple. I could live with this. I pulled it on and brushed my hair out a little. Last I put in contacts to keep from being attacked by Melissa.

I moved on to the bathroom, where I stood completely still and half asleep while my mom buzzed around me like a bee. A little perfume here, a necklace there, and pretty soon I looked exactly like you would expect someone from the fashion industries' daughter to look.

My mother nodded in approval and vanished into the office room. I lazily walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of the cut fruit. I only got a few bites in before I heard a knock on the door. Instantly I grimaced, I wasn't looking foreword to my second encounter with the devil.

I took my time to answer the door, and sure enough, Parker Adessi stood before me.

"Where's your mom?" He asked.

"No way, stay away from my mom, she may be divorced but she isn't a cougar." I snapped.

"Calm down, I just wanted to say hi." Parker rolled his eyes, "are you ready to go?"

"Not really." I muttered but I grabbed my wallet and a key. Parker started to walk to the elevator and I followed.

"So modeling session number one. Do you want to start with a catwalk or posing for pictures?"

"Does it matter how I want to start?" I asked.

"Not really, I felt like I had to ask. We're starting with the catwalk I've already made reservations at one of my mom's places."

Why was communicating with Parker harder than communicating with a normal human being?

I didn't answer him, I just continued to follow him until eventually we were in another limo.

Even in the limo I didn't want to talk to him. After all, he was a terrible person.

When we reached the building Parker got out of the limo and motioned for me to follow.

Once inside the building I was faced with a huge runway.

"This is only a practice catwalk, so if you trip and blood is spilled it's not a big deal." Parker clapped his hands together.

"You wouldn't even care if my blood was spilled? What kind of a person are you?" I muttered.

"Calm down, I was trying to make a joke."

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