Chapter 12: Water Wars

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"Most models break hearts. Goldie Locks just breaks heels." Parker said, walking over to the edge of the fountain and examining my broken shoes.

"Watch it Parker, maybe I'll break your heart some day." I replied

"I'd love to see you try." Parker snickered. He was close enough now for me to reach him. So naturally I grabbed his leg and pulled him in with me. He looked so, so mad, but I could hardly take him seriously since he was covered in water.

The people who were still on dry land started laughing. I splashed Parker a little.

"You are so dead." Parker grunted, lunging at me.

I squeaked, much like a mouse would, and jumped out of his way. Instead of tackling me, he started splashing water at me. In the end we got in a huge water war, I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to pee myself. Parker stopped looking mad and started looking extremely amused.

"Excuse me." A man interrupted us. I looked up and gulped. It was a police officer. "You aren't allowed in this waterfall." The man looked so tired of his job.

We both crawled out of the water. Once we were out I took off my ruined shoes.

"I'll let you off with a warning." The police officer grumbled, "Don't let me catch you doing this again."

"We won't, sir." Parker and I both assured.

The police officer nodded at Pablo and then walked off. Pablo looked furious, "You had one job and you screwed that up! I'm going to see what I can make of these pictures. I'm not happy with you right now." Pablo packed up all his equipment and walked off.

"Well, that was a complete disaster." I sighed, "Your mom is going to kill me."

"Don't worry Goldie Locks I'll protect you from my mommy." Parker laughed, "After all, you are my girlfriend now."

I threw my hands up in the air, "I agreed to one date, Parker! I am not your girlfriend."

"Don't live your life in denial." Parker winked.

I didn't even reward him with a response, I just didn't even know what to do with him anymore.

Since we effectively pissed off Pablo, I was guessing the model session of the day was done. We all headed our separate ways.

Once I was home I took off the soaking dress and placed the shoes on top of it.

After a long hot shower, what I was about to do really hit me. I was going on a date. And with Parker Adessi of all people. I didn't even know what to wear.

I whipped out my phone and dialed a familiar number for help.

Grace picked up on the first ring, "Alright, we obviously both have news for each other." Grace laughed.

"I guess we do." It felt great to hear her voice again. I really didn't call enough.

"You first." Grace declared.

"I'm going on a date with Parker." I blurted out.

"You're what?" Grace screamed over the phone.

"Yes, I know it sounds weird. I'm actually pretty freaked out now."

"Don't be, he asked you out for a reason."

"To torment me?"

"Charlie, what did I say about letting boys get to you? You need to keep calm."

"I am calm."

"Sure you are. When's the date?"

"Tonight. Okay I don't want to think about it anymore, what's you news?"

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