Chapter 7: Plush Hedgehog

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I wasn't sure if I was happy or sad that Veronica liked my idea and took us to a roller skating rink. I was bad enough at walking, adding wheels did not make it any easier.

And I was on crutches, I couldn't roller skate. Who's stupid idea was this, anyways?

Wait, don't answer that.

Parker had gotten two pairs of skates, one for himself and one for me. He immediately put his on shoes, but Veronica was out on the rink before she could even realize I wasn't coming.

"Come on, Goldie Locks! It's not broken, why can't you try to roller skate?" Parker whined.

"Because I don't want to actually break it."

"Just put the shoes on and I'll drag you around." Parker suggested. He had started to skate in little circles around me.

"Why does that not sound like a good idea?"

"It is a good idea."

"Parker, no means no." I crossed my arms over my chest. Parker then scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder, I let out a loud "oomf" as I hit his back.

"You idiot put me down!" I hissed. Parker took off towards the rink. Tons of middle school aged children were staring at us.

Parker made it two laps with my constant sound track of "Put me down right now" before an employee noticed what was going on.

It was a red head who was probably around our age. He ran out into the rink and stopped Parker, "Look dude, put your girlfriend down, you can't do that."

"But she hurt her ankle, she can't skate by herself."

"I'm not his girlfriend." I added helpfully.

"I'm sorry to hear that but I'm going to loose my job if you keep skating like that." The red head pointed to a balding man on the side of the rink who was crossing his arms and giving us a look of disapproval.

"Alright." Parker agreed and he skated to a table situated right outside the rink. When you were sitting at it you could watch the people skating around. It was the perfect spot for the parents of all the middle school aged children. I was surprised this table wasn't taken. Parker quickly went to retrieve my crutches from the last table.

"I'll show you what I can do when I'm not carrying around all your extra weight." Parker smirked at me and raced off to the rink before I could respond. The nerve of this kid.

I did, however, watch him skate. He wasn't that bad, he started zipping around. I was just starting to get the tad bit impressed when Parker finally did something I didn't expect him to do.

He went flying.

No, the boy did not suddenly sprout wings. The lace was untied on his shoe, got caught in the wheel, and caused him to completely loose his balance. It wouldn't have been such a big deal if he hadn't been going so fast. His arms had flailed around, one leg jerked up into the air, and finally he was airborne. Everyone else stopped skating to see what had happened.

All I could think of was: I wish I had a camera.

I was the first to break out into fits of laughter, which seemed to make everyone else think it was okay to laugh as well.

Parker's face went from annoyed to red in the time it took me to blink my eyes. I got up on my crutches and went out into the rink.

"My extra weight was really holding you back, wasn't it? Im so sorry, if I had known you were this good of a skater I would have fought harder to get out of your arms so you could do your thing."

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