Chapter 12: Longing for you...

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(A/N: This is, like the, continuation to chapter 10)

No One's POV:

Rose cried there, still not believing what really is happened. Then she finally decided to try to go to Regal Academy, but when she checked where her key is, she realised that it wasn't with her. She decided to go back to her house, to check if it is there. When she got into her room, she looked around, but couldn't find her key anywhere. Then she thought it might be at Cinderella Castle. "Oh no, there must be something I can do." She tried to think of ways, but it ended up nothing. She decided to go to the alleyway, thinking that maybe she can do anything. When she reached the alleyway, she stood right in front of the wall where the door is. "Please, Travis, open this..." she hoped for it to open, then it really did! Travis came out first, followed by the rest of the team. "Guys!" Rose exclaimed, but of course, they don't notice her. The smile in Rose's face immediately faded, but she saw the door almost closing, so she run as fast as she can and jumped through.

Astoria's POV

We've just entered the door when a cold gust of wind blew at us. We stopped and shivered a little, then I looked around, seeing if there's anyone who did that.

"Travis, is it really normal for a cold gust of wind to blow at us right after we entered the door?" Lingling asked. "Yeah, does that happen every time you and Rose enter there?" Joy wondered.

"Um, I don't think so..." Travis replied. Hawk simply stayed quiet, and I didn't dare to speak up.

Rose's POV:

I jumped through the door, as fast as I can. That's why when I reached Regal Academy, I came into the portal fast like someone pushed me. Luckily, I caught my balance. I looked around, amazed that I am finally back. I missed this school, everything in here. Then I remembered my reason of going back. I run to the Cinderella Castle, and when I got there, I was panthing. I had no choice but to run, I don't have anything with me. When I finally caught my breath, I entered the castle, without even opening the door. "That was easy..." I thought. I reached my room and I went inside. I looked around, but I only find it that my room was cleaned up. I searched everywhere, until I reached my desk. I tried to open the drawer, but my hand passed through. "Oh, I'm a spirit, now how do I open this?" I thought. "Hmmm, maybe more focus will do..." I tried to focus, but I kept missing the handle, until I finally gave up. "Ugh, who would have thought it will take it this hard?" I complained. "There must be something I can do..." then finally, an idea hit my mind.

"I'm a spirit, and my hand can pass through tha cabinet. I could try focusing on getting my wand, instead on opening the drawer..." I tried it, and, luckily, it worked! I got so happy. Then I noticed something different with my wand. It looked faded too, like me. Could that mean???

I got my wand back, but I am only able to get its power, not the whole thing. It means it is also invisible, like me. So cool! Even if I use my wand, no one will see me. Wow, this is the only positive thing I had since I found out the truth. Wait a minute. I almost forgot a very important thing. My key! I reached for the drawer again, focused, and just like the wand, I also got its power. Meaning, even I use it, no one will see. Great, now I have to go back to Earth. My friends are there, I wanted to be with them even they don't see me. I wanted them to feel that I'm still here by their side. Like what I promised them...

I ran back to the gate, inserted my key on the keyhole, but nothing happened. I looked at the gate, disappointed. I tried to reach pass through it and my hands were, GONE ?! I pulled it back, and it came back too. So, I decided to walk through it. To my surprise, I'm back, at Earth. When I passed through completely, I looked behind me, but the door wasn't there. "Impossible..." I murmured. But I just never minded it, thinking that it vanished faster than the usual. I tried to think where I should go, where I could find my friends. I thought about our house, maybe they're there. So I ran fast to our house, and I am not wrong. I found my friends there, talking to mom and dad. Tears dropped down my eyes, because of joy and sadness at the same time. I wiped them away, then I focused back. My friends said they are going to the cemetery, to visit, ME?! "Yah, of course, Rose, you're dead, remember?" I said to myself as I facepalmed. They left our house, and of course, I followed them. We came at the cemetery, walked a little more, and, came at my grave. I stood there, still surprised, I still didn't believe what I can see. I walked past them, my mind floating in the air. Then I kneeled down my grave, staring at it blankly...

No One's POV:

The team arrived at the cemetery, went straight to Rose's grave, and stood there. When Astoria was about to lay down the flowers they've brought, another sudden gust of wind blew from right behind them. Astoria stopped, and everyone looked behind them. They saw nothing, not even a single thing. Then they looked back straight to Rose's grave. Since there's nothing they saw from the behind, Astoria continued on what she's doing earlier. She laid down the flowers 💐 and Hawk lit the candle 🕯.

Rose's POV:

"It-it-it c-c-can't be..." I mumbled. "I-it's true?!" I asked myself as realization hit me. "N-n-no..." I murmured. It's true... I'm dead. I still don't believe it, not before this. Now that I have a real, solid, proof, there's really nothing I can do. I cried again, all my memories of the past coming back.


That's it for now guys! I hope you still enjoy the story even it is going a little sad and I am only updating after some days. Hope you guys understand

See yah at the next chapter😉

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