Chapter 17: Reunited

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Hello everyone! I know it's already been a long time since I last published a chapter, and I'm really really sorry about that. The writer's block I have won't just go away, and I can't put any words together to make a chapter. But here I am, finally back and I hope it will continue from now on. So, what are we waiting for? Let's proceed to the brand new chapter! Enjoy!😉
Malena's POV:
The guard got inside as we waited outside. After a few minutes, he returned and allowed us (or should I say me since he can't see Rose...?) to go inside. As we swam through the hallways, memories of childhood came flashing back to me. Memories of Ariella and I playing, chasing each other, and even when granny comes to scold us when we get too noisy. I smiled to myself, thinking of the happy memories that took place 10 years ago.
I got a bit lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realized that we're already in front of granny's room. I knocked softly then I heard her say "come in". I hesitated at first but the merman opened the door for me, but I just stayed there, waiting for my granny's reaction when she finally see me after years of sudden disappearance. She was busy looking at something in her desk when she finally looked up to the door, and her eyes immediately met mine. She stared at me in disbelief for a few seconds the finally spoke up. "You may take your leave" she said then the guard bowed and left. I closed the door behind me then looked back to her, only to see tears streaming down her eyes. "G-granny?" I called her, still can't believe I'm finally facing her again. "M-Malena? I-is that really y-you?" She asked, more tears streaming down her eyes as mine started falling down as well. I simply nodded to her question, then swam towards her and hugged her really tight. She didn't hesitate to hug me back. We both cried, missing each other really much. After a few minutes of staying like that, we finally broke our hug. She stared at me again, as I wiped her tears away, then she did the same to me afterwards.
I suddenly remembered something. I looked around and spotted Rose, still standing still in the door. I talked to her through my mind, asking permission to tell my granny everything about her. She nodded hesitantly, but still, she trusted me. I finally looked back to granny, only to be met by her confused expression. "Granny, may I ask you something?" I asked then she nodded. "How can I make someone who can't be seen, be visible again?" I asked her, and she furrowed her brows in confusion, but let me continue anyways. "Like, some sort of ghost or spirit that I can see but no one else can? How can I help her?" I continued, now pointing to Rose's direction. Granny followed her gaze to the direction where I am pointing, then looked back to me. She thought for a bit then whispered a spell to me. She directed me to whisper it to my wand then point it to 'her'. So, I did as I was told to. I took out my wand, whispered the spell, then pointed it to Rose.
She stood still, until I heard granny gasped. I looked at her then asked, "Can you see her now?" She nodded. I smiled at Rose then she quickly swam to me and hugged me tight. "Thank you, Malena! Thank you!" She said, thanking me again and again while squeezing me tight. "It's only a small thing, Rose. A very small thing compared to what you've done for me" I said. She broke our hug then shifted her attention to granny and thanked her too. After that, I explained everything to granny and told her the whole story. After that, it's her turn to thank Rose for saving me.
We talked a bit more until Rose asked me something. "Malena, do you think it will be alright if I showed up to my friends again? Do you think it will freak them out? It's just... I really want to see them again... I miss them." She asked sounding sad at the mention of her friends. "Rose, it's your decision. You know what's the best for them, don't you? I don't have any right to meddle with your life, but for me, I think it will be fine as long as it won't be too long. Or, if possible, they... shouldn't see you." I explained to her. "But... why do you think it'll be.. better if they don't see me?" She asked. "Rose, they all know you're already... gone. It might freak them out... but, if you want, they can see you. But not too long. Sounds good?" I explained, then she nodded. She thanked me again then took off. But before she left, I told her a few important things: one, once she step on land, she'll turn back into human, two, she's still a spirit, only visible, so she can still pass through things, and three, no one else should see her except her friends. She nodded again, thanked me, then finally took off. Granny and I were left there, so we talked to each other to catch up.

Rose's POV:
After Malena reminded me some important things, I nodded and thanked her then I took off. A guard escorted me all the way outside the castle, then from there on, I was alone. I swam towards the seashore, feeling free again. I surfaced up the waters, luckily no one saw me. I slowly swam towards the seashore, and when I finally reached it, I stepped up then my tails turned into feet again. I looked down to see that my mermaid outfit turned back to my uniform. I smiled widely, happy to see it again. Memories of the past came back to me, making tears slowly pool my eyes. I closed them, to stop them from spilling and it did. I began walking farther from the sea, towards Regal Academy. I wonder where they are. They could be in their own castles, or maybe somewhere where I can always see them. And there's only one way to find out. So I started heading to the closest place in the academy that I know one of them can be there. The Library Tower...
So, how was this brand new chapter? I hope y'all liked it, since it's my first time writing again for months. This writer's block really is a serious problem when it hits you. I'm very sorry again that I haven't written for, like an eternity. I hope someone is still reading this even after a very long wait.

So, I think that's it for now. I'll do my very best to update more often starting this brand new year for us.

-💛Golden Glare💛

💕goldenglare07, signing out💕

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