Chapter 4: Freedom

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I froze as terror, fear, pain, and coldness fought inside me..... is this going to be my end??? Will Blizzard be the one to kill me???


Rose's POV:

I was wrong... he didn't finished me. Nor free Kira and the Snow Queen. What's wrong with him??? He continued to come closer to me, I didn't even realised that I was standing on my own. He then bowed to me, like he's gesturing me to touch him or what. I touched him, slowly, not wanting him to be furious. He didn't get furious at all. Like he wanted me to pet him. I looked at his eyes, as I leaned closer to him. His eyes looked very kind, he's not even angry at all. He looked at me like I'm his master, he owe me his life. I protected him earlier, when Astoria was about to finish him. Now I understand.

"I think he wants to help us." I said to them. "Perhaps he could" Astoria said. "After all, he uses the Snow Queen's magic, just like our guardian dragons do." she continued. "No, Blizzard, I forbid it!" the Snow Queen said. But then Blizzard faced her, and roared to her face. The Snow Queen backed off immediately.

"Are you sure about this Rose, that you can do it despite..." I cut Hawk off. "No Hawk, I am willing to do anything to free the others, even it means in exchange for my life." I finished with a smile. They just looked at me more worriedly, but my words represent my thoughts. "Fairytale of my dreams, Glass Slippers, make the scene!" I chanted as my wand turned into the Glass Slippers. "I'm ready." I told them. They nodded and we went to our formation.

"Mirror Shield!" Hawk got first. " Fire Bangles!" Astoria goes next. "Frog Ball!" Joy next. "Moon Bow!" Lingling called. "Beast Mask!" Travis roared. " Glass Slippers!" I said. And Blizzard finished it with a "Roar!"

Soon enough, our magic combined and the Snow Globes began to glow. Soon, a portal opened up as everyone goes out. "I - It - It worked! It worked!" I exclaimed. I ran to my mom and granny as soon as I saw them. The others just looked at me, amazed. Like, nothing even happened. I was amazed at how I acted too. But my pain and coldness can't stop my excitement right now. I hugged mom and granny tightly as soon as I reached them. I am very happy. But happiness can't last forever, could it??? Pain and Coldness began to rise inside me, again. And I suddenly felt very weak, like my last strength was used when I ran towards mom and granny. After I break free from our hug, I suddenly fell down. I know I'm ruining the happiness, but what could I do??? I can't stand anymore... I'm tired, like every power I have is already drained...

My friends ran to me as soon as they saw me collapsing. Mom caught me and laid me in her lap. "M - M - Mom?" I am stuttering again. "Rose..." mom replied to me as tears stream down her eyes. "what happened???" she continued. I simply shook my head, not having the strength to speak up. My friends came, and they sat down beside me. "Rose..." they whispered to me, and I smiled weakly to them as a reply. I gasped for air, trembling, as coldness surround me. Everything's getting harder, and I feel more tired every minute.


Sorry guys for the short chapter, but I will write again soon... I hope you're enjoying this story, and I hope you continue reading it...

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Bye Guys! See you at the next Chapter😉


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