Chapter 26

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Above is the English voice actress I'd picked out for Kumiko. Her Japanese voice actress is Keiko Kitagawa, the same as Sailor Mars—->

Kumiko's P. O. V:

Morning sunlight pours in through my bedroom window, as I sit up and stretch my arms above my head.

I get out of bed and head into my ensuite, turning on the shower before stripping and getting in. After a couple of minutes, I turn off the water and step out.

After drying my body, I blink down at the scar on my left hip, feeling it throb slightly, is received it during one of my battles when I was travelling Fiore before I'd joined Fairy Tail; the scar travels up my hip.

I requip into my usual work attire. I finish my usual routine before leaving the bathroom. I find Luna just waking up.

"Good morning, Luna-chan!" I greet brightly.

"Morning, Kumi-chan," She replies, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"I'll head down and get breakfast started. I'm thinking of taking a job today," I tell Luna.

"Okay. I'll be down in a few seconds," Says Luna. I make my way down the stairs to the kitchen and start breakfast.


When we'd washed up after breakfast, Luna and I head to the guild hall. When we arrive at the guild hall, I push open the doors to find only a handful of members chatting, laughing, eating and drinking.

"I'm going to check on the Second Floor for job requests," I tell Luna who nods in agreement before she goes to wait for me at the bar. I jog lightly up the stairs and look over the job requests on the board. One caught my eye and I peel it off the request board.

I head back down stairs and head over to Mira and Master, the white haired beauty is cleaning a glass behind the counter, while Kinana is serving food.

"Good morning, Kumi-chan!" Mira greets.

"Morning! This place is basically empty. Where is everyone?" I reply, glancing around.

"Oh, ever since the Grand Magic Games, we've been getting so many job requests, so everyone else is off on their own job."

"Oh," I mutter in response.

"What about you and Luna? Going on a job?" Mira asks.

I nod as I hold up the job request and reply, "Yup! Luna and I are going on this one!"

Mira takes the job request and reads over it. "Capture the assassin, Kira..." She looks up and gives me a smile as she says, "Okay, Kumi-chan! Good luck!"

"Thanks, Mira-chan! We'll be back in a week or two," I reply.

"Hold on, Kumi-chan," Master says, causing me to pause and turn to him. "I'd like you to take someone else with you. And I know just who to ask."

"Eh...?" I utter, blinking my sapphire eyes as I tilt my head slightly.

Twenty minutes later, I step off the train at the train station, holding my stomach as I groan in pain.

"You doing okay, Kumi-chan?" Luna asks me.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Just give me a sec," I reply. Once my stomach has settled, I gaze around for my teammates. "Sting and Rogue-kun should be waiting for us here..."

"I wonder where they are...?" Luna muses, gazing around.

"Kumi-chan!" I look down to see a green and pink shape standing by my leg.

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