Chapter 43

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Kumiko's P. O. V:

Mard Geer has a stunned expression on his face when Gray, Natsu and I emerge from the ground, the left side of Gray's body covered in black markings, his left eye glowing light purple.

Mard Geer has a stunned expression on his face when Gray, Natsu and I emerge from the ground, the left side of Gray's body covered in black markings, his left eye glowing light purple

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Natsu and I stare at him in shock. I murmur as I lower my arms from my face, "Your skin...!"

Mard Geer mutters, "This can't be... no!" Gray growls at him. "He's morphed into a half demon! Is this Silver's power? Did that traitorous corpse somehow manage to counter my ultimate curse?!"

Gray says as he begins to collapse, "Hey, Kumiko, Natsu! I know I talk crap, but I got... faith in you two... I always have!" He hits the ground with a thud. Natsu and I stare at him with dilated eyes. "If anyone can beat him, it's you two!"

"Gray-kun...!" I murmur worriedly, gazing down at him.

"Hang in there!" Natsu tells him.

Mard Geer yells at Natsu and I, starting to transform again, "Once Mard Geer has slain you, the mongrel's next!! But perhaps he'll play with the girl some more! Make you watch as he tears her apart!"

"GRAY'S NOT A DEMON!!" Natsu screams angrily as tan coloured scales begin to cover his body, and light blue ones appear over mine, reacting to our rage, which I can feel searing through my body. "HE'S A HUMAN BEING!! AND I WON'T LET YOU LAY A FINGER ON KUMIKO!!"

Flames wrap around Natsu's fist as crystal wraps around mine. We both punch Mard Geer in the face. The force behind both attacks sends the demon rocketing backward through several walls.

"Where did you obtain so much power?!" Mard Geer yells. Natsu and I appear before him, and ram our knees under his chin, my legs covered in Crystal Scales.

Natsu and I land on square shaped slabs of crystal, his body glowing with flames.

"IGNEEL STYLE DRAGON SLAYER SECRET ART: HIDDEN FIRE FORM: FLAME LOTUS PHOENIX SWORD!!" Natsu shoots at Mard Geer in a burst of flames, striking him right in the stomach. Mard Geer cries out in pain as he's sent sailing back. He crashes into a chunk of debris.

I was there, waiting for Mard Geer, standing on a slab of crystal.

"DRAGON SLAYER SECRET ART: SEVERING SHARDS!!" I throw out my hands and countless razor sharp shards of crystals are shot at Mard Geer, changing to different colours of the rainbow. Mard Geer cries out in agony as the crystals shred his flesh.

A moment later, and the spell wears off, revealing a limp Mard Geer. However, he jerks his head up to glare at Natsu and I. Mard Geer lets out a cry of rage and pain. Natsu and I start to fall, having exerted so much magic power. Mard Geer catches Natsu and I by the backs of our shirts.

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