Chapter 50

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Kumiko's P. O. V:

Natsu and I sit, slumped against the side of the boat, wracked with motion sickness. "We had to take a boat?!" We exclaim, a hand clamped over our mouths.

Lucy and Gray walk up to us as the ice mage asks rhetorically, "How'd you think we'd cross the ocean?"

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Lucy and Gray walk up to us as the ice mage asks rhetorically, "How'd you think we'd cross the ocean?"

"I don't know. Can't Mest, like, zap us over?" Natsu asks, while I nod my head with agreement.

I mumble, nodding my head in agreement, "Y-Yeah..."

"Too far for my Direct Line," Mest answers simply, his arms crossed over his chest. It turns out that I recognise his scent from the S-Class Wizard Promotion Trial seven years ago. I also only remember him from what Natsu and the others told me about what happened during the battle on Tenrou Island all those years ago.

Getting to our feet, Natsu and I wobble over to Wendy, as I ask, "Hey, Wendy-chan, you have that awesome stomach spell, don't ya?"

A stunned look crosses my, Natsu's and Lucy's faces when we see Wendy slumped over the railing with her hands covering her mouth. "Awe, man!" The three of us exclaim in unison.

Wendy sits against the side of the boat as she apologises, "I'm so sorry, but I recently started to get motion sickness just like you, Kumi-chan and Natsu."

"You poor thing!" Lucy coos.

"Unfortunately, Wendy can't use her Troia Magic when she's in this state," Charlele explains.

Happy asks, holding a fish in his paws, "You think a fishy would help her?"

"Alright, fine! Let me carry you to your bunks!" Gray sighs before picking up both Natsu and Wendy and walking into the cabin. When he returns, he's in nothing but his black boxers. "Happy to help!" He has a deadpan expression on his face as he rubs the back of his head.

Gray then notices me, standing on the deck where I was before, while clutching my stomach and attempting to keep from vomiting. It kind of sucks being on of the strongest Dragon Slayers because my motion sickness is just as bad as Natsu's, if not worse. Though, my motion sickness has been worse than Natsu's in the past, it wasn't as bad as it is now.

"Okay, Kumi-chan, your turn," Gray says, causing Lucy to follow his gaze.

"Wh... What are you t-talking about, Gray-kun...? I-I'm fine! I've dealt with motion sickness way worse than this before!" I try to protest but it was weakened due to my motion sickness.

Gray just gives me a deadpan look as he mutters, "You're not fooling anyone, Kumi-chan. You look like you're about to pass out. We all know you have much worse motion sickness than Natsu. So let me take you to your bunk."


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