Chapter 31

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Kumiko's P. O. V:

Later that night, I couldn't sleep. I awoke to find Rogue standing in the doorway of my room. He wasn't wearing his black cape, and his arms were crossed over his chest as he leans against the doorframe.

"Did I startle you?" He asks.

"No," I reply, sitting up s he comes over. "I couldn't sleep. How's your wound?"

"Better, thanks to you," He replies, pushing away from the doorframe and coming over to my bed, gazing down at me. "I actually came to check up on you. How about your wounds?"

"Much better," I say.

"Well, I'll leave you to sleep," Rogue says. I reach out and grab his sleeve, stopping him from leaving. Rogue turns around in slight surprise.

"Can you stay?" I ask. Rogue gives me a smile and nods his head. I shift over to make room for him, being careful about Luna who is curled up, sleeping on my other side. Rogue pulls the covers over him and settles down beside me; he then wraps his arms around me and holds me tightly.

"I'm so glad you're alright, Kumi-chan," He murmurs softly, stroking my black hair. "I was scared that I'd lost you today."

"You were?" I ask, and he nods his head. "To be honest, I was a bit scared when I was fighting Kira, too."

"You were amazing when you fought her. Where did you learn to fight like that?" Rogue asks, astonishment in his voice.

"Well, I taught myself, but after joining Fairy Tail, Erza-chan taught me. When we'd spar, it would normally end in a draw, but a few years ago, I was able to beat Erza pretty easily."

"Whoa," He murmurs.

"I'm just so glad that she won't be able to hurt anyone anymore," I murmur. Rogue nods his head in agreement.

We both soon drift off to sleep.


The next morning, I awake to find myself wrapped up in my boyfriend's arms, with my head on his chest. I smile as I raise my head to look up at him. He looks so handsome, with the morning sunlight filtering through the curtains hitting his raven hair, his face still looking serious, with just a hint of peacefulness, as he sleeps.

"Like what you see?" I start slightly when he spoke suddenly. Rogue's eyes flutter open and he smirks down at me. I blush shyly. He chuckles at my reaction.

"Yes," I reply. "Good morning to you, too. Come on. We need to get ready to go see the Mayor about our reward."

"Alright," Rogue says with a hint of reluctance. He hesitantly releases me, and climbs out of bed. I follow, just as Luna starts waking up.

"Morning, sleepyhead," I say to her.

"Morning. Did you enjoy your snuggle with your boyfriend last night?" The black Exceed asks as she rubs the sleep from her eyes, causing both mine and Rogue's faces to turn red.

"I-It wasn't like that!" I stutter in protest, waving my hands back and forth rapidly. "D-Don't get any stupid ideas!"

Rogue nods his head in agreement. "That's right; nothing like that happened. I stayed with Kumi-chan because she asked me to. And she was still injured from her fight."

Luna smirks as she replies, her tone teasing, "Whatever you say, Rogue."

I groan in exasperation and Rogue leaves to go get ready, while I go take a quick shower.


We're gathered in Mayor Shigeshi's office to collect our reward.

"Thank you so much, Fairy Tail and Sabertooth! The Town of Gardenia and I cannot thank you enough."

"It was no problem, Sir," I say, smiling at him.

"At last, that dangerous assassin, The Angelic Demon is now in prison. You have my utmost gratitude! As your reward, I'm giving you 50, 000 Jewel!" He says, making Sting and I stare at him with wide eyes.

"Thank you, Sir," I say. We finish up in the office and make our way back to the hotel to collect our bags. On the way, Sting, Rogue and I decide to split the reward.

We get our bags and head back to the train station. On the ride home, Sting Rogue and I did our best not to throw up. We arrive in Magnolia first and I stand up from my seat.

"Thanks again for helping us with the mission," I say to Sting and Rogue, once I'd recovered enough.

"Anytime!" Sting says with a smirk at me.

"Of course, Kumi-chan," Rogue adds, smiling. I hug him, then Frosch and Lector quickly before stepping off the train, Luna beside me. We turn and wave at them just before the train door closes.

Luna and I start heading toward the Fairy Tail guild hall. We enter as I call, "We're back!" Our guild mates who weren't on missions pause what they're doing to look up and greet us.

We go over to Master who is sitting in the bar counter, Mira behind him. "Ah, Kumi-chan, Luna! You're back," He says in relief. "I'm glad you made it back. How did the mission go?"

I reply, "It was a success. The assassin, Kira has been captured." Master, and those who'd heard the rumours of her, stare at Luna and I in shock.

"I don't believe it! Kumiko and Luna caught Kira?!" Murmurs like this ripple throughout the guild hall.

"Well, thank goodness the two of you made it home safely," Makarov says with a kind smile. Kumiko nods and goes to sit with the rest of Team Natsu.

"Welcome back, you two," Erza greets us.

"Hey, guys," I say as Luna hops on the tabletop.

"You must've had a crazy time," Gray says, sitting next to me.

"Kira was way stronger than I thought she'd be, but thanks to Sting and Rogue, we were all able to capture her."

"I'm glad that Rogue and Sting went with you, Kumiko-chan," Lucy says.

"It was Master's idea," I reply.

Luna and I spend the rest of the day chatting with our teammates, and laughing. When the sun was setting, Luna and I decide to head home. We say goodbye to our guild mates and head for our house.

We have a quick dinner before washing up. A few hours later, we throw ourselves on my bed, and fall asleep.

Crystal Shadows (A Fairy Tail Fanfic, Rogue Cheney Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora