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"So... What do you want to know?" I ask between mouthfuls of pizza. Killian lounges comfortably next to me, his legs curled beneath him as he faces me. We have since ditched the couch and are instead spread out on the floor with a pizza box between us.

"Do you want me to ask questions?" He asks, his demeanor relaxed and at ease. I have decided that if I am to earn his trust, then I must go along with it. I will be walking a very tight line between facade and truth, but it is what I have to do to get what I want while not being taken advantage of.

"Well, that's how you usually find answers to things you don't know," I respond.

Killian laughs. It sounds pretty, but in a masculine way.

"Alright, well then in that case, let me think of something." He is quiet for a moment before he says "Biggest pet peeve?"

"When people try to argue with me when I day I am not oppressed," I answer without pause. "Do I experience sexism sometimes? Maybe, but not really. There are women however who have experienced real, true oppression and I won't take their voice away from them by drowning their cries with my own first world problems."

"Really?" He says. "I'm not really sure what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't that."

"Hmm," I hum, biting into another slice. "I'm curious now. What about you?"

"I hate it when people think I am incapable of being a leader because of my age," he mutters almost angrily.

I raise a pepperoni in a toast. "Felt."

"Uhh," he thinks aloud, resting on his side, propped up by an elbow. "Oh! I've got a difficult one." He tugs his lip between his teeth his caramel-brown eyes glowing softly in the dim light from the lamp. "If you could take one person from the past and bring them to the future, who would it be?"

"I... ugh." I twist up my lips, my gaze tilting towards the ceiling as I contemplate. "I unfortunately can't bring any founding fathers to the future. They would be disappointed. My poor baby Jefferson would probably piss himself at the size of our government, but he would be happy to know the slaves were freed. Well... I guess maybe Cicero. I would introduce him to Christianity because he believed in a single creator, and I think he would be happy to know that his ideas of Natural Law were put into practice--especially by a country as great as America."

"Maybe America is great because of Cicero's ideas?" Killian suggests, plopping a ball of sausage into his mouth.

"Fair point," I concede. "But I thought you didn't know a lot about Cicero?"

"Well, you seemed to be really passionate about history... So I've been educating myself on the topic, that way I can talk to you about it," he shrugs, tawny muscles bunching around his neck, his smile easy and dimple showing just the slightest, though along with it comes the smallest of flushes.

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