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"You've got to be kidding!" Sorrell says, laughing so hard she nearly falls off the bed

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"You've got to be kidding!" Sorrell says, laughing so hard she nearly falls off the bed.

"Its true! It's one of the reasons I quit karate lessons. I beat up the instructor too many times," I respond, reminiscing my glory days back in middle school.

"But you--but you made him cry!" She says through her giggles.

We've been laughing and talking in her room for about two hours now; she even braided my hair in some sort of crown/swirly thing. I would have offered to braid her hair too, but I'm terrible at doing hair. I can't hardly even braid my own, let alone anyone else's.

I have discovered I like Sorrell. I don't often 'like' people. Normally, I just tolerate their presence, but I find Sorrell to be quite entertaining, much different from my first impression of her. At first, she seemed quite dull, but really that's just because she was shy. Now that she has opened up, and is more care free and relaxed, she is much more interesting.

"Yes, definitely one of my finer moments."

Sorrell hops back on the bed, her sudden weight making the mattress bounce up and down. "We should play a game," she says, a mischievous glint in her brown eyes.

A raise a brow. "...What kind of game?"

"Well, we have this giant mansion. Why not hide and seek?" She suggests, flopping down on her back, her legs dangling off the edge of the bed.

I rest my elbows on my criss-crossed knees. "Wouldn't that give you an unfair advantage since you live here and you know the best places to hide?" I ask.

She bunches her lips to one side. "Perhaps... but it shouldn't be a problem. Anyways, you go first! I'll count to seventy, since it's a big house."

"Alright, I guess--" but before I could finish, she had already started counting.

"One.. two... three..."

Without wasting any more time, I rush out of the room and down the hall. I think of all the places I could hide. I got a pretty good tour of the place on the way in, so I know a majority of the house's layout. I rule out the first floor, as there are no good places to hide. I don't want to use the second floor, because a lot of people are already there and I don't want anyone to see me and rat me out.

This leaves me with only the third floor. I quietly pace down the hallway and make a right at another living room and into a different hallway. Jeez, this place is huge! I quicken my pace, no doubt only having a few seconds left. I keep my eyes glued to the bottoms of the doors, waiting to find a room with no light shining beneath the door.

"69... 70!" I distantly hear Sorrell yell.

Finally spotting a seemingly unoccupied room, I don't hesitate to fling the door open and slam it shut behind me. The room is dark, the curtains pulled shut over the windows. Hearing the sound of footsteps coming my way, I scramble underneath the bed, but not without tripping on something and stubbing my toe on the bedframe.

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