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I suddenly hear footsteps making their way back down the hall. Quickly shoving the map to it's original place, I make sure everything is back like it was. I can't help but feel like I've looked at something I'm not supposed to--like I've uncovered something that was some sort of secret. I mean, why would someone have maps like this, and what do they mean? Why is the area labeled as Moonrise, like this community? Questions swirl in my head almost endlessly, only stopping to make room for fear.

My heart thuds in my chest as the footsteps stop in front of the door.

I shouldn't be here.


A helpless feeling settles in my chest as the door knob begins to turn

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A helpless feeling settles in my chest as the door knob begins to turn. It's just Sorrell, right? But what if it's someone else? What if it is the owner of the room?

Before my thoughts can worsen, the door practically flies off its hinges. A tall, burly man, who looks to be in his thirties, bursts into the room. He is easily six-foot-five and two hundred and something pounds of pure muscle. His lip pulls back in an animalistic snarl, scrunching his short beard.

"Who the hell are you?" He questions, not giving me a chance to answer before gripping me by the back of my jacket and dragging me to the door.

His hold is tight like a vice, giving me no room to turn around. My heart rate skyrockets and adrenaline begins to release itself into my blood. The fight or flight reaction kicks in, and I immediately choose fight.

By now, the man is holding me in the air, with one arm, by the back of my jacket collar. I kick and swing my legs in every direction, striking his kneecap at one point, but he doesn't seem affected.

"Put me down you freak!" I scream, which probably isn't the best thing to say as it only causes him tighten his hold, wrapping an arm around my midriff to lessen my movements. He only seems more determined.

As we near the door, I brace both legs on either side of the frame and kick us backwards. The man trips on a pair of pants and we both go tumbling backwards. You see, he might be strong, but strength has nothing to do with balance.

As we fall to the ground, I use our downward momentum to slam my elbow hard into his ribs. Hearing a satisfying snap, his arms release me. A guttural grunting sound escapes his lips as I jump up and sprint out the door.

I could scream for Sorrell, but I refrain. I've been freaking attacked in her house! How could I possibly trust her? Charging down the hall, I snake past people, bumping into a crowd of teens and accidentally trampling a child, I think. I hear the pounding of footsteps behind me and don't chance a glance backwards. I know who is running after me, and I know that looking back would only slow me down, so I keep my gaze ahead and descend the stairs.

I should've chosen a better hiding spot. At least one that wasn't on the top floor!

I practically fall all the way down the stairs, too frantic to keep my footing steady, but having enough adrenaline to keep me upright. Once I'm to the last flight, I see Luke trotting up the stairs. A smile graces his face before quickly falling when he sees who is behind me.

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