Chapter Nineteen

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After the initial shock everyone went to process the news. Carlisle automatically went too Marcus and started asking questions. Aro went for a walk through the gardens to clear his head. Caius picked me to stick by. I stayed quiet so he could process the information.

"Did you have any clue?" I ask softly. 

"No. He never told us. He never told us any of this." He looks up at me. " Cara, I could have been with him the entire time. None of us were happy. The entire time, all three of us were hiding who we are."

I run my fingers threw his hair. "Now you have the chance. You all told the truth. You don't have to hid any more.  The only thing I am scared about is how I fit in all this. You all have so much history, but I don't fit in anywhere. Should I just leave you guy be? Maybe it would be better?" I wrap my arms around myself as I think how I just don't fit with them. A sharp pain went through me. Caius wrapped around me trying to calm me. Aro appears beside me, looking for what hurt me. 

"Mia Cara what happened?" Aro comforts me. 

Marcus raced in and rushed over. Lifting my chin he lays a kiss on my lips. "Cara, why do you speak such lies. If you wouldn't have came we wouldn't have learned the truth about each other little one. I feel for you as I feel for them. Your words not only hurt you but us too. We will never leave you." 

"Why would you think that Mia Cara?" Aro ask softly.

All three where looking loving to me. "I just don't see where I fit. You all have so much history with each other. I feel... unneeded." I look away from them, standing up I step away from them. 

Going out the door that lead to the gardens. The clouds covered the sky, matching the feeling in my heart. Esme's flowers were beautiful. A little sitting area was inside a grove of violets. A swing and two garden chairs sat unused. Picking the swing, I sit. 

'How can I be with three men. They all love each other but I just seem to be the extra they are stuck with. They would be happier without me.'  I think. 

"Thats not true." Edward said walking the path in front of me. 

"You don't understand Edward. You have Bella. It's simple for you. How am I suppose to be in a relationship with three people?" 

"Cara, I have a gift. I can hear the thoughts of everyone. So I can tell what you all are going through. I know you are scared of being rejected from them so you are trying to distance your self from them. Cara, they are not going to leave you. I can hear them too. They are excited to start this relationship.... with you." Edward chuckles. "And from what happened upstairs awhile ago, you don't have an issue being intimate with any of them."

I blush, remembering the actions of this afternoon. Edward winces. "Cara, I don't need to see it again." 

I smile pushing the thought out of my head. "All I'm saying is that you are wanted. Not one of them are thinking you don't belong. All of them are extremely thankful that you came into their lives. Before you they were a lot different. Aro was manic, he never relaxed and was as open as he was now. Caius was monstrously angry and unforgiving. Marcus never spoke, he was sad and no longer cared to live."

'I couldn't imagine them being like that. They are all so happy and loving. Caius angry seemed so foreign. Marcus was the one that is the most vocal and made sure we are happy. Aro is the only one I can see. His personality is high strung. But when we are all together he relaxes.'    

"Cara, they are completely different know. You aren't the only one feeling like you don't fit. Aro has be uprooted from his position as leader. He feels like he his no longer him self. Caius use to be the most feared and dominate of the group. Now he is reliant on the three of you. He is confused and just wants to figure out where he fits. Marcus is sees and is in charge of the bonds. The responsibility he is feeling between being the dominate of the relationship and now being the leader of the Volturi is odd to him. He has always taken the back seat to Aro and let him make the decisions. What I am trying to tell you is that no one feels like they fit at the moment. Carlisle has always told me that this is why there is a dominate in the relationship. They help bring the relationship together, in your case Marcus is trying to pull everyone in. If you don't voice your concerns to him, he can't help you and it only hurts the group as a whole."

"I think I understand now. I am just afraid. I want this to work, I do." I pause. "The love I feel for these men is all consuming. The way Caius shows his trust and need to be around me, it makes me feel needed. Aros playfulness. Marcus's caring spirit. I love them and now I know they love me."

I feel a hand slip in mine. Looking up into Aros eyes. He gives me a gentle smile of which I return. Edward has vanished, leaving me with my mates. 

"We heard every word Cara, all you had to do is ask. We all feel this way. We are taking this one step at a time. We will always want you. The ways we feel about each other is the same for you. I can't bear to see you sad." A tear trails down my cheek as Aro speaks. 

Arms surround me from both sides. Aro and Caius move to sit beside me on the swing. We shared a comfortable and loving embrace only to be interrupted by a cracking sound. The swing gives way under the weight of the three of us. 

Now on the ground with Aro and Caius looking shocked. A giggle forms in the back of my throat. They look over to me and smile. We three bust out laughing at our current situation. Marcus, above us smiles and shakes his head. "What am I going to do with you three."       


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