Chapter Fourteen

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~~ There has been several requests for the name of the main character to change, since so many asked I will respect your wishes.  Bryce will now be know as Cara. I will go back to the past chapters and change it.~~

I hop out of the nest and walk to the door. Opening the door and looking back to them, "Are you coming." 

They scramble to get up out of the nest. Marcus smile as the two men fought to get up first. Shaking his head he followed behind.

Walking through the door and around the corner, I descend the stairs with the three men trailing behind me. Stepping off the stairs I was met with surprised looks. Many new people linger around the walls of the living room and kitchen. 

Seeing Esme in the kitchen, I walk over. "Esme, I am starving, is there anything to eat?" I sent her my best pouty eyes. 

Esme turned to me. "Cara, your up? Shouldn't you still laying down?" Esme questions. 

"Probably, I'm hungry though. Do we have any Mac-and-Cheese? I would kill to have some." I lick my lips.

Low growls came from behind me. Turning around, I was met with three pairs of coal black eyes. I hand encircled my wrist and pulled me so quickly I almost got whiplash. Next thing I know I am in Marcus's lap with Aro and Caius on either side of us. I blink trying to figure out what happened to only be pulled from my thoughts when Esme responded. 

" Sure dear, It will be done soon." She turned to get a pot. 

Edward and Emmett had been playing Mario Carts when we walked in, but paused the game to watch us. Getting out of Marcus's arm and walking over to the game console, I plug in a controller that was laid to the side. 

Breaking out of the trance they where in, Emmett smiled. "Little Miss Queeny up for a rematch?"

Rolling my eyes at him, I settle down on the ottoman with the boys that is in front of the TV. 

A sound that could only be described as chiming bells, sounded from behind me. "Mia Cara, come back here." Aro whined. 

Surprised by this I gaped. I haven't heard Aro speak yet. It was gentle and calming. I still wanted to play with the boys.  Putting the controller down I motion for the three to stand.

"Emmett, Can you move the couch against the ottoman?" Emmett looked confused but got up and did it anyway.

Once it was moved, I motioned for the three to climb in and sit back down. I climbed in and my back met with Marcus's chest. Leaning back on to him, I get comfortable. The three men hatch their hands on to various parts of my body. Marcus settled his hands on my waist. Aro and Caius each latched onto a leg while Caius played with my hair. 

The same feeling came over me as before. I feel at home. Surrounded by these men I felt safe and secure. It is very weird that I excepted them without any regard for who or what they are. 

We all settled in together, I pick up the controller and look to Emmett to start the race. Emmett was gaping at us. "What, aren't we going to play or what?" 

Shaking his head, he starts the game. The track we are on is Bowsers Castle. "Hey Cara... thats what your new house looks like." Emmett laughs. 

I haven't thought about moving in with them. We just met and we didn't know hardly anything about them. I understood they were very important people in the vampire world, but I didn't understand it really. I just learned about all of this last night. 

Aro and Caius started to move their hands. Pleasure shot through my body but I decided to play it cool and focus on the game. Taking notice to my obvious discomfort and situation, Marcus decided that he would join in on the fun. Emmett took advantage of this to pass me along with Edward. The boys finished the race while I was still on the first lap. 

Throwing down the controller, I shout. "No fair. I couldn't win because of them. I would like to see you try to win a race with Bella and Rose rubbing all over you guys." I huff, leaning back into my mates to get comfort. 

"Your just a sore loser. But to prove I am the best I will except your challenge. We will compete tonight again with all our mates present." 

I go to argue with him again but Esme chooses that moment to walk in with a bowl of Mac-n-Cheese. My attention goes automatically to it. Handing the bowl to me, "Enjoy." 

I dig into my food. I hear my mates chuckle around me but I ignore them. Once I am done, I slide the bowl to the table beside the couch. 

Laying back on Marcus, I stretch out and yawn. Sleepy from getting my stomach full, I start to doze off.

"Sleep well, Mia Cara."                    

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