Chapter Eighteen

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"I was twenty-five when I turned, Caius was eighteen. I was born and raised in Greece. I was a commander of a regiment. I was born high class. My father was the general of the greek army. My mother and sister remained home. I was coming home from battle after a victorious win, but I was harmed. I separated from my men, too prideful to die in front of them. I wondered the wilderness till I no longer could. I didn't see Marcus trailing me. He smelt all of the blood. I found shade by a tree and sat. Marcus came up from behind and startled me. To weak to fight I just sat there. Marcus just stared at me. He never said a word. I remember thinking he was and angel. I don't remember from there." 

Marcus, still facing the window spoke. " I followed you for a long while. I was passing by the area when I heard the fight. I thought to find a quick meal when I saw you leave the group. I followed till you could not go on. When I finally faced you, I was struck by your beauty. You not only thought, but also called me and angel. I was so taken by you and lonely that I decided to make you may companion. You don't remember because you died. It was a miracle the venom took.  I pulled you on my back and took you home to Volterra." 

"Caius was different. I went looking for a companion. I saw you in a Bathhouse. I was bathing, looking for a companion that was interested in me. Aro never voiced any attraction to me, and I wasn't going to force it." He paused. "I saw you trying to hid your attraction for men. You where with your father and uncle. You looked sad. I followed you home that night and was going to complete the deed but I overheard your father saying you where both needed at the front the next day. I decided to let your family have peace. If you where said to die at war, you would be a honored hero amongst your people. The battle was won and your people collected the dead for cremation. I made sure to write your name on the list of the dead, and removed you before you where burned. I turned you in the tree line and brought you home to Aro."

Caius looked up. "You never told me this before." 

"He never told me the ending to my story before either." Aro spoke gently. 

"Neither of you showed attraction for me, so when when traveled to Rome I took Aro's sister for my wife.  Aro missed her greatly and it seemed to be appropriate. You both found wives through our travels. I never forgot my reasons for turning you, but I decided to allow you to love freely. " 

Caius snickered. "Marcus, you saw the bonds. I nor Aro was ever in love with the wives. You where the only one to love Marcus."

"Didyme was my greatest friend and a beloved wife, but we never took the wedding bed. I loved her yes, but as a sister."

Aro was shocked by this. "The marriage was a fraud?" 

"Yes, I simply wanted you to be happy with your sister by your side." 

Aro, confused asked. " Why have you been grieving this long? It has been thousand years past."

"Didyme was the only person I ever talked to about my true intentions with both of you. She understood me, and I did love her. She was my last chance I thought, after she died I gave up on love." Marcus turned from the window.

"Marcus, you never said how you where turned."  I asked. 

"He has never told any of us Cara." Caius said. 

"I think I am ready now." Marcus turned back to the window. "I wasn't turned." 

"What do you mean?" Aro questioned. 

"I wasn't turned. I was the first Vampire." Marcus grinned at Aro and Caius's reactions. " I do not remember how I was born or the beginning. I just remember being nomadic. I think it is because memory doesn't reach that far. I have tracked every vampire I have made and the ones they have made. They has never been an outliner. I assume I was the only one of my kind. Maybe a fallen angel? I do not know, but I do know I am the first."  

Shocked was not the word for what Aro and Marcus where. 

"So basically, your the Daddy Vampire?" I ask softly. 

Marcus throws his head back a lets out a roar of a laugh. He walks over to me and takes me off the couch. "I would have never called it that little one but yes, I am the Daddy Vampire." 

Leading me to the main living room he reminds me. "I think you and Emmett have a game to prepare for." The living room was filled with the guard members and the Cullens. They all stare at Marcus. 



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