Chapter Six

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Bella and I trolled through the town. Taking all the sights in, loving the town even more as I wondered the streets. Bella pointed out people as they passed, telling me their names. Forks was a very small town. The newest and biggest building is Newton's Olympic Outfitters. This area was apparently an entrance to a well know backpacking and hiking trail.  

Bella leaned over and whispered, "Mike Newton is heading this way. He is a big time player in Forks. When I first moved here he tried for months to get with me. Only after Edward and I started dating did he backoff. He still sometimes tries too, but I always ignore him." The boy was barely 5'8. He was in flannel and had his jeans cuffed. The way he walked told me he was a diva.  'This dude is clearly gay or and the least Bi. He was the biggest player in Bellas school. They obviously didn't have a good selection of men here.' 

Mike waved at Bella and smiled at me. The way he walked up to us, you could tell he was all about himself. "Hey Bella, you are looking beautiful. Who is your friend." Bella roll her eyes at his comment. Backing up a little as he took another step forward. "Hey Mike, this is my step-sister Cara. She came to help Alice and I plan and set up the wedding." 

Mike pulled his eyes from Bellas breasts and connected his eye to mine. He raked his eye up and down my body and smiled.  "Well hello Cara, It's nice to meet you. Aren't you beautiful. Anytime you are free give me a call, I will show you a good time. Bella can give you my number." He smiled as he saw my shocked reaction, most likely thinking I was in shock wondering why anyone as good looking as him would ask me out.  

I pulled my anger back in and but a smile on my face. Bella, seeing this knew that what I would say next would not be good. "Mike, we have to go..." Raising my had to Bella she stops knowing that nothing will stop my statement. 

"I would Mike but I have a feeling you need to do some self-reflecting. You see, as soon as Bella pointed you out I knew you were hiding a secret. The cuffed jeans, the flannel. The sooner you come out of the closet the better. It would also help with the over sexualization of women. The way you approached Bells and I was despicable. You really need to do some reflection and reevaluate your life and how you want to be remembered for. The only way I see you now is a douche and jerk that cant seem to keep his eyes off of my sister and I. So no, I will not be calling you anytime soon, and I hope you can finely except who you are and be would you are and grown from it. Women are not your play things." 

Mike looked like he wanted to disappear. He had tears in the corners of his eyes and looked absolutely  exposed. Bella was staring at Mike, jaw slacked. "Mike... Are you..?" Mike look between Bella and I. "Don't tell please." Mike whispered. He scurried away toward the Outfitters.

Bella turned to me, "Mike was the biggest player throughout high school, he had numerous girlfriends. How in the world did you even know that he wasn't straight?" Bella looked awestruck and shook her head waiting for an answer. "I just knew Bells..."

Truthfully I smiled to myself. Proud I had knocked Mike down a few inches. Ever since I could remember, I had the ability to read between the lines per-say. I had certain abilities when it came to reading people. I could tell that mike was in the closet by seeing certain hints. The way he over sexualized girls was the biggest hint. Doing this is a coping mechanism for the displaced feelings for guys. This, accompanied with the outward showing of style and poise from him lead my to this conclusion. 

I thought of this as my little superpower. I loved to be out in public and observe the people passing by.  It became a hobby when I moved to Florida. I didn't have many friends and my new school. All of the people I met seemed to be fake. I guess that what you get in city. 

I could already tell from the way the Cullens restrained themselves around me that they had a secret. There was no need to dig for the truth because it would end up appearing anyways. I knew Bella is aware of the secret because of how easily she went along with the lie back at the house. I just hoped they eventually tell me. 

Bella and I continued walking through town and came across a Diner. The Diner was a cute, coffee shop looking building. A green canopy that stated 'Carver Café' hovered over the entrance. A bell tolled as was stepped in. "Hey Bella, I haven't seen you in a while. Who do you have with you?" A lovely woman said. Her warm brown eyes told me she was a genuine person. 

"This is my step-sister Cara. She came to help with the wedding Cora." Cora smiled at us kindly. "Table for two then." We sat in a corner booth over looking the town. 

"So Bella, how are you feeling about the wedding and all. I know that it must be something of a nightmare for you." Bella looked up from the menu startled with the question. 

"I am a little nervous about the wedding part, but not about the married part. I loved Edward so much and I am ready the start a life with him. I cant wait to begin a lifetime with him." She softly smile recalling his face. 

"I'm so happy for you Bella. I'm glad we get to spend a little time together before the wedding. I've missed you. I honestly wish I moved up here with you. I actually have something to talk to you about..." I peered at her. 

"Okay ladies what can I get for you?" Cora appeared. Bella started,"I'll have a slice of Blueberry Pie and a glass of milk."  Cora turned to me,"I'll have the same."  She smiled as she wrote down the order. "Coming right up." 

"What did you want to tell me?" Bella said curiously. 

"Bella, I'm thinking of moving out." Bella smiles and nods. "Thats good, where are you think about moving too? Back to Phoenix?" 

Cora came back and and placed our pie's and milk down, leaving us. 

"Well... no Bells. I was actually thing up moving up here to Forks." I said, breaking the news to her. 

Bella paused mid-bite and put her fork down. "I thought you loved the city? Why are you wanting to move to a small town?" 

Smiling at Bella, "I have never like the city Bells. When Mom was still alive we lived in a rural town in North Carolina. I can barely remember, but what I do is amazing. Walking around with you today made me want to even more. I'm ready to slow down Bells. I want to find a home. I have moved around so much with dad. I'm ready to settle down and hopefully one day have a family." I said smiling.

"Car... you just graduated High School, you are so young to settle down. I thought you where going to go to college in Florida. Didn't you get into a nursing program?" Bella questioned 

" Bella, you just graduated also. You are getting married to the guy of your dreams. I want that too. I am taking a gap semester to work and get settled. I already plan to apply to the RN program in the spring semester." I reply.

"Car... I just want you to be happy. I would love for you to live closer. Alice would love it even more. I just hope you will make the right decision." 

I smiled. "Alice actually already knows. She helped me figure it all out. She said it would work beautifully."

Bella scoffs. "I know it will work out. Have you told Phil and Renee?"

Grimacing I shake my head. "No, not yet. I was hoping once I have you onboard then it would be an easier break."

"Leave me to break the news,  huh." Bella smiles "You owe me big time."

We laugh as we finish our pie, and plan how we will break the news.                        

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