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With the headbutt Sinbad fell to the floor. Holding his head for dear life he stared dumbfounded at the person standing in from of him.

- Seriously... Are you kidding me right now? - he blurted out, laughing out loud. Too loud.

Alibaba getting ready to launch a second attack, crouched just in front of him. Straddling him, he grabbed Sinbad's robes forcefully and put his weight backwards extending his arms as if taking aim.

- Wait, wait. I believe you, don't hit me again. - a wide smile still stamped across Sinbad's face.

- Huh? You believe me that easily now? What are you trying to pull?

- And you, just a minute ago you were shy showing your body to me, now here we are, you all exposed.

- Don't change the subject. This is this and that is that.

- Well, you have your ways of transforming into a girl and me of figuring out if it's really you. - A devious smile lingered on Sinbad's lips. And for a moment Alibaba studied him for answers.

- ... So you really believe me?

- Yes. When you talked to me I was intrigued so I asked Yamraiha to help me. Check if you were under a spell or something. It took a while for her to give me confirmation. - He paused and cupped his hand on the blonde's face, tracing his lips with his thumb. - You didn't notice but the lamp on top of the table is embedded with her spell. Been working and searching since you came into the room. Minutes ago it turned green meaning she could find your essence and you are Alibaba indeed.

- When you say a few minutes ago, how long do you actually mean?

A beat passed and Alibaba could see Sinbad's engine running trying to figure out a way out.

- Well I can't be precise with time. I was engrossed in you the whole time, we were apart for so long and...

- How long ago did it turn green? - Threatened Alibaba pausing at each word.

- Coincidence or not, it was when I saw your mole. So until then it was inevitable. - he conceded.

- Then why didn't you say so earlier? Why make me say such embarrassing things?

- Revenge for leaving me in the dark for so long.

- I told you, it was not my fault. You really should have a pep talk with Ja'far.

- Well Ja'fars' mood will probably get better the day after tomorrow.

- Why is that?

- Well.... You will understand once you see it.

Still wary about the new information, Alibaba let go of the King's robes. His hands tracing the man in front of him reaching for the face. Sinbad pulled Alibaba closer, stroking his back.

- You're not going to headbutt me again are you? - asked Sinbad with a smile again on his lips.

- I'm trying to fight the urge to.

Both of them smiled and their foreheads touched. Their noses rubbed and their lips brushed. A moment, seconds or even minutes passed with them embracing each other.

- If you want, we can. - murmured Alibaba in his king's ear.

- It's not just about me. If you don't feel comfortable about it, we won't.

Alibaba struggled with his words, unable to voice his unease. Yes he did wanted to go at it with Sinbad. Of course he did. But doing it while he was a girl was different. Even the way Sinbad was holding him felt different.

- It's just... It's my mind but not really my body, but I want to make you happy.

- I love you either way. And I'm extactic that you are Alibaba and you didn't run off somewhere.

- Then can we just sleep together, embracing each other until I turn back? Can you wait?

- Of course my king. Your word is my command.

Alibaba giggled at the words, and a whole weight seemed to have been lifted from his shoulders.

That night they fell asleep in each others arms. Afraid either wouldn't be there when they woke up. Both grateful for that moment. Both wishing it would never end.

Your Heart Is My Last Dungeon (Alibaba X Sinbad)Where stories live. Discover now