Stupid King

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(Sinbad King POV)
The night of the party

-Hey Stupid king if you regret not inviting Alibaba you should have done it you know - said Ja'far sick and tired seeing the king sighing and moping around all day.
- But he was the one who said he didn't want to come to my parties so I was right of not inviting him, but still...

I keep on dwelling whether or not I was right not to tell anything to Alibaba since the last time we had a party he got so drunk that started complaining that he didn't want to come to my parties anymore because I'm always surrounded by girls even though I don't understand his reasons he is still my friend and I don't want him to hate me. Since Ja'far is holed up with work I take my chance to sneak out, he will kill me later but I will make it up to him I'm just way to worried about Alibaba that I can't think about anything else, that and because I'm just tired of reading documents and signing stuff.
I sneak out and take the opportunity to see how Alibaba's training is going, he seems to be more agile and have more stamina, well that's to be expected he has the talent to become a great fighter. Since I can't really face him since I didn't invite him I leave unnoticed and start getting ready for the party.

At the party I meet Aladin that is already surrounded by women and then go my way to where Ja'far is with a killer aura, I apologize and since he already had a couple of drinks I get off with just a warning.
Beautiful women are all around me, serving me drinks, giving me massages, laughing at everything I say and even though its pleasing its still annoying knowing that its only because I'm the king and they trying to suck up to me. I look up and see Alibaba standing in from of me, and I can't help but be surprised by it and looking way in shame of what I have done. I stand up and talk with him, he seems like he is gonna cry and I try to tell him why I didn't invite him but he just scoffs at me with a cold glare bows to me and leaves.
As I see him leaving crying and giving me the cold shoulder I deserve I just can't move from my spot.
Damn, I have really done it this time. I did this so I wouldn't hurt him but I just made it way worse.
I turn around and start drinking like there is no tomorrow not that will help the situation but at least I won't thinking about it for now.

I wake with super headache and the first thing that comes to mind is Alibaba face crying. I feel like shit and I don't really want to get up but if I don't Ja'far will punch me till I get out of bed.

Two days after that night and I still haven't seem Alibaba anywhere, I hope he is alright, I think to myself. Today I will finish earlier so I can go look for him, I doubt he wants to see me but I just don't want things to stay like this between us. After work I go to his room but no one is there so I asked in the reception and started following the leads to where Alibaba is, In the end I arrive at a pub where he was last seem when I ask the manager he tells me that he is in a room upstairs with a girl. I get pissed at the thought that he is with some girl I don't know.
No, no is not like I'm pissed off because he is with another girl, I'm mad because here I am looking for him to apologize and he is parting his ass off, I guess he doesn't really want me around.
I enter the room without thinking twice and see him laid down with a girl of top of him, the girl is scared and apologizes to me but I can only think about what I want to say to Alibaba. I tell her to leave and I lock the door behind me as I go and sit next to him. He seems tired I think while stroking his face with my right hand as the left hand is keeping in balance to not fall on top of him. Even in his sleep he looks like he is about to cry, and my heart just tightens a bit more. As I keep looking at him I can't keep myself from reaching my lips to his forehead hoping he won't wake up, he moves an inch almost trying to snuggle with something that is not there and I can help but giggle at the sigh. Why am I kissing him? This was just a reflex right? Like when you see your pet being really cute and you pet him, nothing more right? I dress him again and carry him downstairs and take him to my chambers so he can rest.

Alibaba POV

As I feel my conscience coming back to me but still not being awake I try to think what happened the day before, I remember being with a girl and then going to a room with her but after that I can't remember a thing. As my eyes slowly open I can feel a weight on top of my chest and breathing on the side of my face, I look to my side and see a sleeping Sinbad. Am I still so bothered that started imagining his face in other people? I'm fully awake and I look to my side again and I still see Sinbad next to me and I scream.

Your Heart Is My Last Dungeon (Alibaba X Sinbad)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن