Chapter 14 | The Answers We Need

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Things are finally starting to look positive on our little "family". Hardin went to pick up my mom from the hospital so I'm left with Bella at home. We've both been so busy preparing for London and I called Josh to come over and keep me some company. It's been ages since I last saw him and more or less I filled him in on what's been happening with my dad.

Bella has been so incredibly active this past week and it's mentally and physically exhausting for me. I moved all my classes online so I can spend more time at home so that's a plus regarding our current situation. The only problem is that my mom doesn't want to join us in London, even for the sort time and I'm really scared about her being alone here. My father hasn't made any attempts to come closer again so maybe things have been left at bay or so I hope so.

I've been boiling some pasta and Bella is in the pouch on me wiggling her toes around my stomach. The doorbell suddenly sounds and I turn the heat down before I stride to the door.

"Tessa, oh my God look at you!" Josh beams and throws himself around me and Bella. I'm so happy he is here after what we went through.

"I missed you so much Joshy! Come in, I was just making lunch in the kitchen"

"Damn being a mom looks so good on you" he gestures at Bella with a smile. "How is Hardin holding on?"

"Apart from the endless sleepless nights he has been... Extremely good I would say"

"Now would you look at that" he chuckles and I join him.

"Bella loves him very much, it's hard to take her away from him. Besides, he is the only one who can make her stop crying"

"Has he agreed to be a part of this?"

"Yeah, at first he was adamant of not participating in any of this, but after some time he warmed up to both of us and now he wants to be the one to adopt her"

"Wait hold up" he raises his hand "So he is gonna be the legal guardian?"

"Yeah, exactly" I answer stirring the pasta that is almost ready now. "She wants her to have her last name"

"That's good isn't it? I mean... She will be legally yours"

"Mine not... But his yeah. For me to legally be her mom, Hardin will have to marry me"

"Oh" he says in sympathy. Josh knows how Hardin feels about marriage or strong commitments but yet here he is, adopting this little girl for life. This isn't just a simple decision, this ties him with her forever.
"But adopting her means he is serious about you two right?" he asks answering my thoughts.

"I'd like to think so" I shake my head.

"Don't over think it Tessa, the trip to London will surely help you two find some balance" he says reassuringly and comes next to me to help with the sauce. "Do you think your mom will be alright?"

"Yeah, she didn't want to follow us and she looks stronger than ever"

"I think whatever happened with your father was a wake up call for her. I'll also be passing by to check on her from time to time" he says and my heart melts. I couldn't ask for a better friend.

"Thank you Joshy, I don't know what I would do without you. How's things with the barman?" I ask poking his chest earning a playful smile.

"We've been going out since but in the end I don't think it's going to work"

"Why not? You seem so... In love?"

"Do I? I wouldn't say that. Excited yeah, but not in love" his tone hides some sadness behind and I feel so stupid for neglecting my best friend these past few months.

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