Part 3: 4 years later

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3rd person POV

(A/N Both Astrid and Hiccup look the way they do in HTTYD2, but wear the armour from HTTYD3)

It’s been five years since the 2 Vikings left Berk behind. They have both grown up a lot during this time and they are both now 20 years old.

They moved from Dragon Isle just over 2 years ago, after they got married. They moved to a much larger island known as The Edge. A little over a year ago, Astrid gave birth to their child, a little girl, who they named Iris Haddock. She had her father’s auburn hair, but her mother’s bright blue eyes.

One day, while little one year old Iris was flying with Toothless and her daddy, they came across a group of people washed up on the beach, undoubtedly after the previous night’s storm. They quickly flew back to the mountain-cave they had made into their home, to get mommy to help them take the washed-up people back with them. Little did Hiccup or Astrid know, that these were the 5 people they thought they would never see again.

Hiccup’s POV

With Iris flying safely with Astrid and Stormfly, Toothless and I landed safely on the beach to check up on the people washed up on our shores. They were all unconscious, but breathing. I took in their faces, trying to place where I’d seen them before, when it suddenly hit me. These weren’t just any people, they were Berkians! Specifically, they were Ruffnutt, Tuffnutt, Fishlegs, Snotlout and Gobber! But what were they doing so far from home? I called up to Astrid, and she and Stormfly flew down, landing next to Toothless. I was glad that she and I had worn our masks, as we didn’t want anyone to recognize us just yet. Iris, of course, didn’t wear one. There was no need for her to.

We managed to get the safely back to the cave, where we treated any wounds and placed them in bed. We gave them all separate rooms, as we had many within the cave, and simply waited for them to wake up.

We kept our masks on through the afternoon, not wanting them to wake suddenly and see our faces. Gobber was the first to wake, you could tell because he started shouting. I went into his room to greet him and explain what had happened.

Gobber shrieked when he saw me.
“Who are yer?” He cried, “and what have you done to ther kids?”
“You can call me Ryder,” I told him, “My wife and I found you and the others washed up on the shore of our island, so we brought you back here. I promise you, we mean no harm.”
Gobber continued to eye me warily.
“Where are the others?” he asked.
“They’re in the other bedrooms,” I replied, “as far as I know, they’re still unconscious.”
I led him through the cave to the other bedrooms, where he checked to make sure that each teen was alright. Once satisfied, he followed me into the kitchen. Astrid was in there, sitting on the floor playing with Iris. She looked up when we came in.
“Daddy!” Iris cried, running up to me and embracing me in a hug.
“Hello, Iris,” I said, “what have you and mommy been up to?”
“We’ve been feeding the dragons!” She told me, excitedly, “I tried feeding them an eel, but they didn’t want it. Mommy says eels are poisonous to dragons, but I didn’t know that until now!”
I smiled at her from beneath the mask I still wore.
“Well, at least you learnt something new today,” I told her.

All of our guests soon awoke, all with no major injuries, just a few scratches and grazes. All of them seemed to adore Iris, which I was pleased about. She usually tended to stay away from people she didn't like, and I trusted her judgement.

The one person she became particularly fond of in the following days was Gobber. She would follow him around like a duckling, chattering to him all the while, and he didn't seem to mind.

Astrid and I, meanwhile, were glad to see out friends after all those years, even if they didn't know who we were.

But that didn't last long, thanks to Gobber.

722 words

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