Part 73

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[tagged: @arron.ft @frankspranks]

Arron.ft: do you want to know what's not funny? @arron.ft do tell
Arron.ft: hiding behind the TV while your best friend and brother are watching a horror movie and jumping out from behind it holding a knife it got me a great photo though
Frankspranks: how did you even get in our apartment? a magician never reveals her secrets
Frankspranks: I really feel that the creepy mask and knife were over kill well they got me a great photo

Themagicaldursley: I just came across this photo of a sleepover we had when we were little[tagged: @rose

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Themagicaldursley: I just came across this photo of a sleepover we had when we were little
[tagged: @molls_weasel]

Molls_weasel: omg I remember that we had so much fun that night
Themagicaldursley: yeah didn't we binge watch all three high-school musicals? yeah it was so fun wait why wasn't I invited
Louistheweasel: you were grounded because you BLEW UP MY ROOM I didn't mean to! You made me mad and then everything just shot off the shelves or fell over
Louistheweasel: that was not funny it was hilarious

com: it was hilarious

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. we are proud to announce a new member of the family is coming soon!
[tagged: @ted.loopy]

Louistheweasel: I'm gonna be an uncle
Jamesissirius: if it's a boy it should be James the third after his amazing uncle @jamesissirus absolutely not! so this means I'm going to be an aunt!
Lilspotter: OMG OMG OMG this is so awesome wait until mom finds out she's going to be ecstatic I'm going to tell her this weekend ok

This story is on hold of an undetermined amount of time. I can promise it will eventually be back. I just need some time to take a break. I don't really even have any readers for this though so I don't think anyone will care anyway.

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