Part 10

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Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Eliza and James are finally playing their quidditch 1v1
[tagged: @chaser_eliza @jamesissirius]

Lilspotter: why are there three people Liam is ref
Alby.pots: there's no way James wins
Fredthesecond: well he doesn't completely suck
Alby.pots: yes he does
Scorpionking: @alby.pots he sucks at most things but he's actually not bad a quidditch
Alby.pots: @scorpionking you're supposed to be in my side!

pots: @scorpionking you're supposed to be in my side!

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Chaser_eliza: you are looking at the winner 🥇

Jamesissirius: you barely beat me
Chaser_eliza: don't lie
Chaser_eliza: there was no way you would beat me I'm a Flintwood quidditch skills run in the family
Jamesissirius: aren't you adopted?
Chaser_eliza: well obviously but that is really beside the point right now
Frankspranks: James actually lost twice
Alby.pots: good
Lilspotter: I thought there was only one match?
Frankspranks: he asked Eliza out again and got rejected again oof
Alby.pots: that's the 8th time now right? she doesn't want to go out with you
Chaser_eliza: @jamesissirius you should listen to your family

gw: she doesn't want to go out with youChaser_eliza: @jamesissirius you should listen to your family

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Fredthesecond: hanging with my bestie (definitely not in the muggle world)
[tagged: @chaser_liam]

Chaser_liam: you weren't supposed to add the last bit now they know I think the picture explains that for you
Jamesissirius: I thought I was your best friend
Frankspranks: Yeah me too
Fredthesecond: I have 3 best friends
Lilspotter: the real question is how did you get out
Chaser_liam: 7th year secret
Hugoisagod: @lilspotter don't worry I know how they did it

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