Part 22

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The squad
(Group chat with Liam, Eliza, Fred, Roxanne, Alice, Frank, Arron, and James)

madam pomfrey says he's going to be ok

thank Merlin I was so worried

How bad are his injuries

Cracked skull

It would have been worse if Liam hadn't
caught him

I was really worried he wouldn't be ok

Liam barley got to him before he hit
the ground and there was blood
running of his head it was scary

You'll let us know when he wakes up right

Don't worry we will

Are you there


I'm going to come sit with him too
I am his girlfriend so I should
probably be there

You guys can all come if you want but
Madam Pomfrey might get mad if
there are too many people

Well we're his friends so she can
deal with us being there


Liam sat in the chair next to Fred's bed in the hospital wing watching him sleep prying for him to wake up. Roxanne paced back and forth at the foot of his bed unable to sit still because of how worried she was. Madam Pomfrey had said he would be ok but Liam still need to see that Fred was okay before he believed it.

The door to the hospital wing burst open and Alice, James, Arron, Eliza, and Frank came running in. Alice darted right to his side putting herself in between Liam and Fred and took Fred's hand in hers. Liam felt annoyance rush through him. She had literally put herself right in front of him. Then again she was his girlfriend so she should probably be allowed to sit next to him.

Madam Pomfrey had noticed how many people had entered and came out of her office. She marched right over to us looking annoyed.

"This boy is sleeping he doesn't need so many visitors!" she insisted.

"But—" James started

"Potter this is a hospital wing not a hang out zone! He isn't even awake for you to hang out with! Perhaps you should all come back when he's awake."

Alice got up and walked over to madam Pomfrey. "I would at least like to stay I'm his girlfriend!"

"And I'm his sister," said Roxanne. I was about say that I'm his best friend when someone spoke from beside me.

"What's going on?" asked Fred. I darted in front of Alice and I pulled him into a hug. I made sure to hug him lightly because I knew he was hurt. "What happened with the game? I was going for the bludger and then the other one knocked me in the back of the head. After that I blacked out."

"We lost," said Eliza sadly.

"But the important thing is that you're alive," said Alice, as she slipped in front of where I was standing, planted a kiss on his cheek, and gripped his hand. Why couldn't she just go to the other side of the bed? I had been here first.

"How hard did I hit the ground? Also what injuries did I get?" he asked, trying to sit up pulling his hand away from Alice in the process.

"You cracked your skull," Roxanne explained, "but you didn't hit the ground. Liam caught you."

"You saved me!" he said turning to me with a smile on his face.

"Well I was closest," I muttered, "it's what anyone would have done."

"Yeah," said Roxanne, "but you were the only one that did dive to catch him. You were even in possession of the quaffle which you dropped in order to save him. I would have tried to save him but I was all the way across the pitch."

"Thanks Liam or should I say my savior," he joked. I laughed. Alice looked a bit annoyed that he had practical ignored her and had even pulled his hand away.

"This boy needs rest!" insisted madam Pomfrey.

"It's fine," Fred agrued. "I prefer having them here!"

"They can come back later. Besides it's almost dinner time to they need to eat."

She shooed us out of the room and we headed for dinner, but Fred was ok and that was the important part.

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