Part 45

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Arron.ft: this graffiti is making me reconsider all my life choices. It's like I'm having a midlife crisis when I'm 18.

Frankspranks: that graffiti is the deepest graffiti I've ever seen
Jamesissirius: well it isn't making me reconsider anything because I am happy with myself as I am
Chaser_eliza: because you're a narcissist
Jamesissirius: but I'm your narcissist
Chaser_eliza: it's moments like this that I wonder why I'm dating you
Fredthesecond: @jamesissirius I love how like your namesake you kept trying to get the girl you liked to go out with you until your 7th year when she finally agreed even though you're an idiot
Roxxy: oh my goodness your right!
Jamesissirius: I guess I really am a lot like my grandpa!

Privet dm between Dominique and Molly

Molly we have a problem

Oh no what have you done this time?

Well I was down in the muggle village by
our house because I was bored and wanted
something to do and when I was there
I met this girl and she was pretty and smart
and really nice. we hung out with each other
most of the day and then we I said I had to
head home she asked if I would like to go out
with her sometime and I said yes

I fail to see the problem all you did
was get a date

I was in a muggle village put the pieces
together and now try to find the problem

She is a M U G G L E

Oh shit

Well it's fine plenty of wizards date
or even marry muggles

Just go on the date and see how it goes
you can worry about the details later if
the date goes well

Just go on the date and see how it goes you can worry about the details later ifthe date goes well

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. why am I wearing a stitch onesie and hanging out with a bunch of little kids that also have stitch onesies? I honestly have no idea
[tagged: @hugoisagod @lilspotter @mayharris]

Lilspotter: you do realize the we're only a year younger then you right? that still makes you younger
Jamesissirius: wait a second since when has May's hair been blue?
Mayharris: I'm a metamorphmagus!
Ted.loopy: hello my fellow metamorphmagus
Mayharris: you're one too?
Ted.loopy: yeah my mom was too! are you related to another metamorphmagus?
Mayharris: my aunt is one and from what I've heard there have been many in my family before me wait Professor Harris is a metamorphmagus?
Mayharris: yeah that is so cool I wish I was one

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