Part 37

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Molls_weasel: bestie ❤️[tagged: @dom

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Molls_weasel: bestie ❤️

Cole_mclaggen: Dominique is gay so are you sure you aren't more ew no we are cousins
Molls_weasel: also I'm asexual aromantic
Parker.smith: is that just another fancy way of saying your gay
Molls_weasel: no it means I don't have anything desire for sex or a romantic relationship so did you finally fix your hair?
Parker.smith: yeah we did
Cole_mclaggen: also we are going to make sure you regret it

smith: yeah we didCole_mclaggen: also we are going to make sure you regret it

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Hugoisagod: ❤️
[tagged: @matt.goldstein]

Matt.goldstein: I love how you just made the caption '❤️' because you couldn't think of anything
Hugoisagod: well it was that or no caption
Cole_mclaggen: ew gay people
Parker.smith: that is disgusting you're disgusting!
Molls_weasel: and leave our family alone!
Parker.smith: oh you really care about your family then of course we do!
Cole_mclaggen: thanks for the tip
Molls_weasel: leave them alone!

Warning: the writing below contains homophobia and violence

I knew I shouldn't still be avoiding Hugo but whenever I was near him I was always jealous of Matt and mad at Hugo for picking Matt instead of me. I continued walking down the corridor not really sure where I was going and more just wandering aimlessly though Hogwarts.

As I was walking I suddenly heard someone cry out in pain in the next corridor over. I picked up my pace and ran towards the sound as I got closer I heard voices.

"You're nothing but a useless fag!" said a voice I didn't recognize. I darted around the corner and saw two older boy beating someone up. I whipped out my wand and ran forward to help and that was when I realized the person on the ground was Hugo. He was bruised and bloody lying curled up on the ground. As they continued to beat him I could see Hugo trying to cry out in pain but a silencing charm stopped him.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yelled.

"Oh look it must be Hugo's boyfriend come to save him!" mocked one of them.

"I think you might be right. Well he'll have to come make us," said the second boy. He kicked Hugo again as hard as he could. I didn't even stop to think I just ran forward and shot a stunning spell at one of the boys. He dodged.

"Oh so we're playing with magic now are we," said one of them, "I can do that too." And with a smirk he pointed his wand at Hugo. "Drop your wand or I'll hurt him more."

"You'll hurt him more no matter what I do."

"Cleaver one aren't you," said the boy with his pointed at Hugo. "diffindo!" At his words a cut appeared on his arm and he tried to let out a scream of pain. He raised his wand to do it again. I shot a few spells at them and continued trying to get closer to help Hugo. Unfortunately I had the disadvantage of there being two of them and one of me and they we both older then I was. They blocked my spells and continued sending some back at me. They also kept sending different spells at Hugo. He was starting to lose blood more quickly and I wasn't sure how much longer he would stay conscious. I hit the taller of the two with a stunning spell and he fell to the floor.

"You'll pay for that!" yelled the one I hadn't hit. He shot a spell at me which I deflected back at him. He jumped out of the way and shot fire out of his wand at me. I tried to get out of the way but I wasn't quick enough. The fire hit my shoulder and I cried out in pain. I heard footsteps from behind me and someone yell something but I didn't turn around to find out who it was. They shot a spell at the boy and he fell to the ground.

I didn't even look to see who it was I just ran towards Hugo because right now that was the only thing that mattered.

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