When Abby turned sixteen, the attacks reduced and she was beginning to actually make an effort to have fun, study, help a round the house. Liz and her had more in common than they'd imagined, and quickly struck up an odd friendship of sorts. She realised that she would do anything for these two people. Liz and EJ, they were her support system. She had gotten so much better these past years and now she was studying Criminal Psychology at a prestigious college in the city they lived in. Elijah thought her friends were simply amazing! So supportive, so loving and extremely caring. They were like an extended family to Liz and Elijah as well.

He tried to fall back asleep by counting sheep in his head but he kept getting distracted by thoughts of a certain brown haired boy.

It was getting really frustrating because Arius Johnson seemed to live in Elijah's head rent free and he couldn't even figure out what the fuck had set this unhealthy thought process into motion.

What the fuck was happening?

Ryder woke him up by throwing the clock at his head, AGAIN. He swore there was a lump on his forehead because of the impact of the clock.

"One of these days Ryder, one of these days, I'm going to get back at you. You're fucking crazy."
He grumbled as they stepped out of their dorms.

He had Math-I first so Ryder wouldn't be there to give him company. She could write her Math-I exams without attending classes as she was in the advanced class as well. He entered the class just in time as the teacher was beginning to start his explanation. Mr. Harold nodded his head toward the window seat and Elijah got the memo. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw who he would be sitting next to.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Just his luck.

"Kingston, you're greatly mistaken if you think we have all the time in the world for you to take your seat. Get in there unless you want to get kicked out of your very first class of the day." Mr Harold spoke in a deliberately slow, daunting fashion with an acidic smile on his face.

He audibly gulped and walked the rest of the way and sat down, all while Arius was giving him THE death stare, his grey eyes looking vicious.
In the light of what he had found on the floor in the middle of the night, Elijah had completely forgotten how he'd spilt his coffee on him and poked his eye so he could escape.
He had seen Arius Johnson from up close and had been as mesmerized as ever, if not more, until he came back to his senses and fucking poked his eye and ran the fuck out of there.

He was so dead.

For some reason, he thought it would be in his best interest if he apologized to him. So he went ahead and looked at Arius as he took notes steadily, paying attention to whatever the teacher was blabbering about Derivatives.

Yeah what a great idea, begin the year with fucking differential calculus.

Arius had made it obvious that he wasn't going to look at him whatsoever and Elijah was annoyed. Throwing caution to the wind, he nudged Arius. He kept doing it until Arius glared at him.

"You know, I'm sorry for po- fuck!"

He felt something sinking into his skin on his thigh through the fabric of his dress pants and then, pain. Arius had jammed his pencil into Elijah's thigh and pulled it out, smiling smugly.
Elijah retaliated by grabbing Arius's left arm to wrestle the pencil out of his grip and before they knew it, they were pushing and shoving each other and getting a few punches in between. Arius wrapped his left leg around Elijah's leg and diverted him to the floor. Elijah gripped Arius's shirt collar and the both of them fell down with a loud thud, chairs toppling over backward.
There was a pregnant pause with neither of them making a move to stand up. It was like someone had stunned them into place. Shiny, black shoes approached them and barked for them to stand up.

Sunsets and Constellations | B X B حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن