7. Me Time (Filling In)

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- ...Just to add up, needed something to happen :/

-My style back then rlly makes me feel... like I'm did better now :)

-Unsure Friendship and a longshot, but I'd like to try

-Phil becomes the MAN of the house. What'll he do?

My old style, picture it to smth better


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~Third Person's POV~

A wide introduction of casts of the movie finally came to view, snow just showing off into the scene as a song plays in the background. A soft and melodic voice is heard, peaceful but melancholy as it's heard throughout after the movie.

Philip being Philip, shed a few glowing tears from his eyes, even blinking them away as to see the scene play out before him, his sun and three stars glowing in the darkness, with the only light source being the television's lighting

"Y-yea, it certainly was..." the trembling voice that answered him made Philip immediately halt in his movements. And turning to him, he was openly shocked at what he saw.

Tears gathered into the Korean's eye, threatening to spill. Whilst North over here tries to prevent them to while clutching his nuke plushie like his life depended on it.

Philip immediately panicked. at the older man's current state. Torn between his choices as he ponders over which he'd go for. What should I do?! What would South do?

"Uhm uh-" Philip mutters, hesitantly asking him, "Are you-"

The older man was quick to cut him off, expecting the predictable question known to man, "Fucking Peachy," North Korea mutters monotonously of answer, rolling his eye-much to his misfortune 'cause now tears start to trickle down his eye. "Let's just sleep already. I can't believe I wasted my time on crying about a movie," North stood up and then walked to his room, closing the door pretending nothing ever happened. The one thing Phil noticed was...North was still sobbing like a baby.

Phil turned off the T.V. since it's time to sleep, he checked out the time seeing...IT'S F*CKING PASSED MIDNIGHT.

Philip's eyes widened and hurried to clean the whole living room as fuck as fast, and why is he speeding things up you asked?

Well, you see, considering the current circumstances, he has a meeting tomorrow. Urgently, he's pretty sure he heard in the phone call with Rosita herself.

(You might already know this kind of daily routine, right?)

Five minutes he was able to tidy up the entire place with the remaining time left, yeeting every discarded pillows on the couch, deciding he could fix it later as he places the plate of snacks on the table, while also putting some sort of small protective glass dome-careful not to break it. Which honestly, would've been better if it were on the fridge, but honestly to him, he doesn't like cold snacks in the morning.

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