Chapter 8: August 15 Pt. 4

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Athena POV

"Took you long enough." Jace mutters as he opens the door for me.

I didn't even have the time to knock.

"Mum's in the kitchen. You should talk to her. She's upset." Jace says all too calmly, as if he's not one bit affected by the situation.

Before I press he walks back upstairs and to his room.

I stare up at the threshold of my front door. Wondering how I'm going to face my mum. This is so awkward.

Just calm your tits Athena. I chant in my head.

She's still my mother and I love her.

I walk inside and close the front door. The soft click resounding into the kitchen.

"Mum?" I pad over in the living room, where from in the shadows I see my mother hunched over the kitchen island sobbing quietly.

The scene breaks my heart and I all but run up to her and embrace her in a hug. Tears stream down my cheeks before I can hold them back, and I feel my mum's hand clamp over mine.

"I love you." I say in between sobs. With my cheeks pressed on her back I can feel her body shake and twitch from crying.

" A-Athena. I-I n-never..." Mum's cries prevent her from finishing her sentence.

I rub along her back trying to soothe her. My heart was being shredded piece by piece, the more tears my mum cried.

How selfish could I be? Thinking this was affecting Jace and I. I never thought about how my mum would be feeling.

To hold something like this.

"Sshh Mum." I continue to soothe her. I haven't seen her this torn up since dad left.

I wonder if Jace already talked to her why she's sitting here. Actually, I wonder where that lady is, who is she? Would Jace know her?

" I'm sorry." Mum says as she calms down. I couldn't see her face, but press my cheek against her to let her know I heard her. I don't know if it's because I don't want to look at her.

"There's no need for you to apologise. There's nothing to apologise for." I squeeze her tighter.

" I-I never meant for you to f-find out this way."

" It's ok." I say with a lump in my throat. " I mean, I wish I found out a different way you know." I chuckle lightly to soften the mood.

Mum lets out a puff of air through her nose, and I feel her relax a bit more.

" I love you baby. I don't want to hurt you with this."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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