Chapter One: August 11(editing)

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"Athena! hurry up and get your ass downstairs or I swear to God I will chop your hair off!" The sound of my mother's warning makes me jump out of my bed, effectively tripping over my tennis shoes.

Great start.

I pat my hair quickly to reassure myself that my beautiful long auburn hair is still in tact.I breathe a sigh of relief as I drag myself to the bathroom, only to be stopped in my tracks by someone flipping open my bedroom door.

I spin around to find my idiot brother Jace with a conniving look on his face and a-

" Jace what the hell?!" I scream pointing to the scissors in his hand.

Was he going to cut my hair?

" Oh dammit ! The one time mom allows me to do this you want to be all vigilante" Jace complains, faking a pout.

" Why you-

But god help me he's already slammed the door shut on my face, and I hear his laughter travelling down the stairs before I wash up.

Things between me and Jace were great so far. After moving to Nomad's, a small city west from where we were. We started a new life everytime mom had to move for her job as an inspring chef. But me and Jace's story never changed. We made our way into the cliques easily, where we would wear our masks and play happily ever after.

God knows if anyone found out what we did, we'd be history.

 I dress myself in a baby blue playsuit, pulling my hair up in a high pony tail with a red ribbon to complete it. I pick up my black converses and school bag and trot downstairs.

"Oh it's alive!" Jace screams in a badly impersonated Dr. Frankenstein voice.

"Shut up" I mutter as I pick up an apple and toss it in the air, taking a bite of it.

"Morning dear" My mother says from in the kitchen, as she washes up the remaining dishes.I just offer her a wave as I walk to the door.

"Eh waithup Afeena" My annoying brother shouts with his breakfast still stuffed in his mouth.

I plan on leaving him behind due to his little act earlier this morning, I mean noone touches MY hair. So this was a little payback, plus I was a little eager to see Wylde this morning.

I quickly hop in my gray Mazda and start the engine. I take a quick glance towards the door and see Jace running towards the car like a headless chicken, with one arm holding his school bag and shoes and the other in the sleeve of his jacket. Oh did I forget his mouth was still stuffed with food, so this was quite a view as I laugh horrendously behind the wheel.

I reverse a bit to tease him.

He jumps in with a flop,quickly pulling one hand up to my face to indicate that I had to wait. My face was still amused, so I wait. 

"Ha Ha very hilarious Athena , that wasn't funny. You know I could've died and choked to death?" Jace says as he places his palm flat against his chest and fakes a pained expression.

" Oh damn and here I was thinking it was going to work....shoot" I say faking my statement.

Jace just sits in the seat narrowing his eyes towards me, with an impassive expression.

I start the car up and drive to school, the car ride was silent apart from when Kim Cesarion's song "Brains out" came on we were both jamming to the beat.

The school parking lot was still vacant apart from a few cars which would be the football players. They have practise everyday before and sometimes after school, meaning I rarely spent time with Wylde, only during lunch breaks. So I always made an effort to see him as much as possible.

Inexplicable Love(editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora