Chapter 13

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Apparently, plans had been changed. Jisoo and Chaeyoung decided to show up out of the blue while Lisa and Jennie were baking. It some what amused Lisa but not Jennie. Jennie, well, she didn't seemed to look too amused. Especially when the duo began to hog the model.

Jennie huffed, stirring the bowl aggressively from Lisa's view. But, when she met Lisa's eyes, her own glare softened. Her frown slowly transitioned into a light, timid smile. A charming smile. Lisa loves Jennie's smile.

"So..." Lisa dragged out, shifting uncomfortably on the couch. She was forced to sit between the best friends. Why? Well, they were most likely trying to get a rise out of Jennie, unbeknown to the other two of course. And, considering the scowl on Jennie's face whenever Jisoo or Chaeyoung laid a single finger on Lisa, they knew it was working.

"Do you work out Lisa?" Chaeyoung asked, hands groping and squeezing her bicep. The look Lisa was sending didn't go unnoticed to the irritated brunette. With a huff, Jennie slammed the spoon down. She had a tight slip smile paired with sharp, spine chilling glare.

"Lisa, would you care to assist me over here?" Lisa was so close to letting out a breath of relief if it wasn't for Jennie's cold gaze and dark smile. She felt like it was for her but also knew it wasn't. The girl was just so damn scary that she almost rejected the offer. Almost.

"Sure!" Lisa squeaked out before awkwardly clearing her throat. She stood up immediately and practically sprinted towards the kitchen, trying to hold back a bark when the couple began to giggle a little too loudly.

But, as she stood beside Jennie, glaring towards Jisoo's menacing smirk, a hand was placed on her lower back. A touch so gentle and just so caring that every cell of annoyance in her body completely vanished. Jennie's thumb rubbed slowly and softly. And, when Lisa turned her face to look at Jennie, she was immediately met with kind eyes and pretty smile.

"Do you like baking?" Jennie asked, a light shimmering in her brown eyes and Lisa  must have indulged her gaze a little too long considering the blush that slowly began to coat Jennie's fluffy cheeks. Lisa chuckled with a shrug,

"I use to enjoy licking the spoon after my mother baked, does that count?" Lisa teased, smiling a little wider when Jennie let out the most angelic giggle. The brunette playfully glared with a tiny grin,

"I wouldn't say it does but I also wouldn't say it doesn't," she giggled, sliding her hand up and down Lisa's spine. Lisa almost shivered from her touch if it wasn't for the couple suddenly appearing from across the counter. Both were eyeing their interactions intently, leaving Lisa to feel quite uncomfortable. Jennie looked forward as well and instantly sighed,

"Can you both stop staring? You're making her uncomfortable...again!" Jennie stated, her touch stopping but never disappearing. Lisa almost whimpered and begged for her continue but she already knew what the outcome would be. Chaeyoung snickered and wiggled her eye brows playfully,

"Why would we look away from someone so hot?" She asked. Lisa felt a deep blush appearing from the back of her neck. And, no, it wasn't from Chaeyoung's comment, it was from the way Jennie suddenly wrapped her hand around her waist possessively. It was also the way Jennie pulled Lisa closer to her side, growling under her breath. Dear God, Jennie growled.

"Keep your inappropriate comments to yourself please. Why are you girls even here? I don 't recall ever inviting you over," Jennie pointed out still keeping her hold on Lisa firm and steady but tender and loving. Does that make sense? Lisa didn't care. Jennie was holding her and she was more than okay with it.

Jisoo laughed, "Feisty Jennie is such a cute Jennie," she teased. And, ignoring Jennie's scowl, she simply shrugged with a grin, "Well, you said you were going to bake a cake with Lisa and Chae and I have grown fond of her so we decided to come over without your permission," she said so causally as if the answer should have been obvious. Chaeyoung giggled with a nod,

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