Chapter 19

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They arrived to the studio, acting as if nothing happened. Smiling, laughing per usually, but when Jennie would reach for Lisa, Lisa would pull away. And Jennie would pull her hand back, smiling but never reaching her eyes. That glow Lisa adored was dim and flickering. It mirrored her own eyes.

Because of the slight change, no words were pretty much shared as Jennie applied Lisa's makeup. While Lisa could only feel regret for acting the way she did hours ago, Jennie was quiet for things Lisa didn't know of.

Of course Lisa wanted to know. Lisa always wants to know what Jennie was thinking about, but the wall was up again, the windows were closed. And Lisa was slowly losing hope, losing her patience because it was frustrating beyond belief. Why must it always be so hard just to get the one person she's ever loved to love her back?

"Done," Jennie said, smiling a smile that still seemed so confused, and so sad that Lisa couldn't help but rest a hand gently on Jennie's hip, not missing the way the brunette gasped but instantly breathed out a sigh of relief. Lisa almost sighs from Jennie's warmth as she slowly stood up from her chair, closely standing in front of her favorite person.

"Thank you," Lisa's voice stays soft, quiet, but soft and Jennie stared at her gently and Lisa wondered how a person like Jennie could be so sweet but so damn frustrating all at the same time.

"We're ready for you Miss Manoban."

And, just like that, Lisa dropped her hand and took a step back away from the sweet scent, the loving warmth and the confusion. Lisa was still close enough to hear a soft sigh fall out of Jennie's frown but far enough to protect her own heart. Funny how before, she was ready to get her heart broken just to be near Jennie, but now? Now, Lisa was tired of suffocating.

Lisa nodded, sending a tight lip smile to the assistant before glancing back at the pretty brunette with a softer grin,

"Are you going to be watching from the side again?" Lisa asked, half hoping Jennie would decline but also hoping she would say yes and cheer for her again because Lisa liked knowing a beautiful girl was screaming her name, in a non perverse way... of course. Purely innocent.

Jennie smiled something more real, something more beautiful, but eyes still looking confused and maybe desperate.

"Of course, Lis." There was something different with the way Jennie was staring at her, but Lisa didn't get the chance to stare at it for too long because a voice called for her. A deeper voice, a familiar voice that had Lisa grinning from ear to ear as she turned around to face her childhood best friend.


"Bam!" Without sparing Jennie a second glance, Lisa rushed towards a taller, slender man who's smile brought happiness insides Lisa's chest. His arms were wide open and Lisa slammed her body against his, arms tightly around his waist and face pressed against his chest.

"It's been too long my friend," He laughed, holding her tightly and lifting her up. Lisa squealed and laughed as he brought her back down. She pushed him off of her and scrunched her nose with a playful grin, sending a gentle punch to his arm,

"Ew, what cologne are you using?" She asked, pinching her nose. He chuckled, winking as well,

"Something that brings in lovers," he teased earning another playful punch to his arm.

"Oh? And, how's that going for you?"

Bambam rolled his eyes with the same dopey smile but then his brown eyes locked onto something over her shoulder and his smile transformed into a smirk,

"I'll have you know, It's working like a charm. And, I will prove it to you by speaking to that beautiful brunette," He teases, walking past her and towards the said girl who is indeed in fact glaring, but not at him. No, those feline eyes were sending daggers her way. But why?

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