Chapter 6

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"I love you too, mom. Okay, dad. Goodnight. Bye." Lisa bit her lip as she lowered her phone from her ear and hesitantly hung up. She placed it on her counter beside her wine glass and sighed, leaning her back against it and covering her face with both of her hands.

She was homesick. Lisa was feeling homesick on her birthday.

This was the first time in years that her parents weren't able to fly over and Lisa never felt so disappointed. She lowered her hands and glanced towards the ingredients to her favorite birthday meal that her dad use to cook for her every birthday with a clenched heart. Rosti.

Her dad and her use to compete to who cooked it better and have her mother be the judge. And, being biased to her own daughter, she always said Lisa's tasted the best, despite its burnt colors and bitter taste. Her mother never left any scraps on the plate. And, at the end, all three of them ate what their dad cooked and it was always ten times better.

Puffing out one last long, tired breath and taking a larger sip from her wine, Lisa pushed herself off the counter and began to cook. She could feel tears beginning to well up but she refused to. Lisa didn't want to cry on her birthday.

She could hear her text tone going off but ignored it knowing who it was. It wasn't like Lisa was deliberately ignoring Jennie for the past week since that night. She was just...busy.

Okay, maybe she was avoiding the bubbly brunette. She couldn't help it. She knew her feelings shouldn't be growing, but it was. It grew every time she saw her pretty smile, or her bright eyes, or just simply... her.

"Shit," Lisa winced as the oil hit her skin. But then groaned as she noticed the rosti burning around the edges, creating a bitter, burning smell to surround her whole apartment. Tears were already beginning to well up and blur her vision. She ruined it again, and this time, her dad wasn't there to help her.

She was alone.

"Damn it!" She shouted as the oil hit her hand again, causing a single tear to roll down her cheek. Then another, and then another and now, a sob ripped out of her throat as the rosti was officially completely burnt. What made matters worse was that someone decided to knock on her door when she was a crying mess.

She groaned and roughly wiped away her tears as she marched her way to her door. She didn't care to look through the peep hole, nor did she bother to stop her tears from falling. She hoped that maybe the person behind the door would walk away if they saw her looking like anything but a model.

What she didn't expect, however, was to be faced with a surprised Jennie looking, of course, as beautiful as ever. Her hair was up into a high pony tail, showing off her smooth slender neck paired with a nice, white summer like dress that ended just above her knees, making her look like an actual angel.

And, lets just say, Lisa felt herself wanting to cry harder knowing she looked horrendous in front of a goddess.

"What're you doing here?" Lisa quietly asked, wiping away endless tears while also avoiding Jennie's eyes.

"I-I smelled something burning and wanted to check if you were okay," Jennie spoke slowly and cautiously. Jennie paused and waited a moment before taking a small step forward, "Is everything okay Lisa?" Her voice sounded so caring, and careful and just so damn soft that it caused Lisa to let out a sob that wracked her body,

"No. Everything is not okay. My parents were suppose to be here for my birthday.." Lisa whimpered out, looking up into widened brown eyes.

"Wait, birthday?"

"And we were suppose to cook Rosti for tradition but how could it be tradition if they're not here?! And, I'm burning it on my third try! Third freaking try Jennie! How is it possible to burn something on their third try?! Isn't it suppose to be third times a charm?!"Lisa scoffed and wiped her tears with a small sniffle, "More like, third times a curse! It's burning Jennie!"

"Hold on Lis--."

"And now I'm here looking like a beast while you're standing over there looking as angelic as ever and I'm buzzed and--," Jennie rushed forward and placed her hands around Lisa's shoulders, pulling her down and embracing her tightly.

She could hear Jennie shushing her while rubbing her back in soothing patterns that had Lisa softening. She tilted her head to bury her face in the crook of Jennie's bare neck and cried silently as she embraced her tiny waist.

"I didn't know it was your birthday, I'm sorry," She heard Jennie whisper quietly, tightening her hold around Lisa. Lisa chuckled sadly, rubbing her hands up and down Jennie's gentle curves,

"Don't apologize, I never told you." She felt Jennie pull back and slide her hands up to Lisa's cheek, wiping her falling tears with sad, affectionate eyes,

"Yeah, but I never asked."

Lisa laughed lightly and squeezed Jennie's waist, "Don't argue with me, it's my birthday." The smaller one giggled softly while staring up at her with a kind smile. A smile that was creating a circus to erupt in Lisa's heart. Especially when Jennie placed Lisa's hair behind her ear, caressing her ear while she was at it in a soft way.

"Want me to cook the rosti for you?" She offered, continuing her caress, scanning Lisa's eyes thoroughly and tenderly. It caused heat to grow in her cheeks and she hoped the blush wasn't obvious.

"You'd do that?" Lisa whispered. Voice sounding shy and eyes averting down to the floor. Staring at the lack of space between the tips of their shoes. But, her gaze was then transferred back into loving eyes as Jennie placed her finger under Lisa's chin and lifted. Jennie smiled fondly,

"If it would bring a smile on your face then, yes," she stated proudly, eyes shimmering and staring at the blush that coated Lisa's cheeks.

"Okay," Lisa muttered shyly, stepping away from Jennie's sweet smell and soothing warmth. she stepped to the side and motioned for Jennie to enter which she did without hesitation while also brushing her hands against Lisa's as she passed by. Lisa could've sworn her heart was ready to pounce.

Jennie turned around and giggled seeing Lisa standing like a statue by the opened door as she turned off the stove. Lisa heard the giggle and felt herself blushing even more. The taller one closed the door and made her way to kitchen, hopping onto the counter.

"Have you ever made rosti before?" Lisa asked, voice still sounding soft and delicate. She didn't mean to sound so vulnerable and small but she couldn't help it, she still missed her parents terribly.

The tone of her quiet voice made Jennie look at her with so much care, matched with a kind smile as she made her way in front of Lisa.

She placed her hands over Lisa's that laid and trembled on her thigh. It formed butterflies to flutter in her stomach and forced Lisa to hold in a sigh from the contact. The feeling felt wonderful. Jennie was wonderful.

"I have. But, for you, I'm going to make it extra special."

And, she did make it special and Lisa wanted to cry again after the first bite. Jennie sat across from her stared ta her expectantly but with the same, soft smile.

"How does it taste?" Jennie asked, a hint of concern in her voice. But, when Lisa smiled a smile that reached her eyes for the very first time that day, Jennie couldn't stop her own smile from spreading wider. She also couldn't stop her hand form reaching forward and placing it over Lisa's free hand.

Lisa sniffled, "It taste's just like my dads. Just like home." Lisa flipped her hand over and held Jennie's hand tightly. "Thank you," she whispered staring at the brunette's lovely eyes. Jennie gripped her hand tighter as a silent appreciation.

She then pulled back, but only to sit next to Lisa and lean her head onto her shoulder, sliding her hand around Lisa's waist and pulling closer till their sides were pressed together.

"Happy birthday, Lis."

Lisa was falling hard, but at this very moment, she was okay with it.

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