viii ➤ all alone

Start from the beginning

And then he was dead.

Simply gone. No known reason.

Just dead.

The tears welling in Callie's eyes begin to fall. She hurriedly wipes her cheeks before pouring herself another drink.

He was truly the only friend that she had left. Her best friend even before she left Regina. Now she resorts to visiting the animal shelter more often, just to be close to him again. That had always been the thing that brought them a little closer.

The funeral had been hard.

They asked her to say something, she wasn't able to find the words. There was something so raw about her loss and so tender about their relationship that she wanted to keep it all to herself. She didn't want anyone else to have the pieces of Graham that were hers.

But the town drama didn't stop there. David, the once comatose man, and Mary Margaret had had an affair. Which then led to the disappearance and supposed death of Kathryn (David's wife).

David had been arrested. That was until more evidence led to the arrest of Mary Margaret.

In the end, the "true" culprit was found. Sidney Glass. Only Callie is smart enough to know that Regina has a firm enough grip on Sidney to make him say or do whatever she says. It's obvious to many that she did it. But the lack of proof is the only thing keeping her out of jail. That, and Sidney's confession and his DNA at every scene of the crime.

Callie's brows furrow in frustration as her bottle appears empty, none of the liquor coming out even as she tips it upside down. She's lost her best friend. She's lost Regina, and another friend because of her.

Yet the worst pain that Regina has put Callie through, is her separating her from Henry. No more weekends with her kid. No more time with the only person who kept her sane, and the only person who offered her a little more sanity with his theories of the curse.

Callie laughs, setting the bottle down and asking for the check. Rum. A perfect drink for a bloody pirate. That's what Henry thinks she was anyways. She's not sure if she could go back to a life that she doesn't remember.

Her phones buzzes against the counter. An unknown number flashes across the screen and an invitation to Blanchard's "welcome back" party appears. But Callie is still mourning. Although she's unsure of who or what she's really mourning at this point.

Maybe she's mourning her sanity? She's been remembering every night for weeks. Dreams of blood covered monsters and dirty, ragged hands chasing after her make her want to stay awake. Sometimes shouting echos in her ears. Her mother's voice. A little boy who sounds too much like Henry. A deep voice that she can only guess is Killian's. And a scream that sounds eerily like her own.

She almost wants to sleep just to see him. Killian Jones. To dive headfirst into her nightmares for her pirate captain. Yet she hesitates to fall asleep, not just because of the nightmares. He reminds her how lonely she's become. How forgotten she feels in her mansion on the coast. That she's so alone that a ghost is her only comfort.

Callie has been trying to relax into her old routine again. Workout. Work. Try to sleep. Volunteer. Work. Try to sleep. Bake. Volunteer. Try to sleep. But the pieces of how her life worked are still there. Henry's bedroom sits empty, untouched for over a month now. Callie finds herself aching for the weekends with Henry. For the drunk nights with Regina and Graham. For the hangover mornings playing with the animals at the shelter with Graham.

STUCK IN MY HEAD ── killian jonesWhere stories live. Discover now