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Lee Know was calling his mom on the phone and you were unintentionally listening to their conversation.

Mom: May I talk to Y/n please?
Lee Know: Okay, but don't say anything to make them uncomfortable
Mom: Aw, my son cares so much about his boy/girlfriend. I won't say anything like that.

Lee Know called you over and you took his phone when he gave it to you.

Y/n: Hello Mrs. Lee
Mom: Hello, my Y/n! Is Minho taking care of you well?
Y/n: Yes
Mom: That's great, I'm hoping that we can see each other again!
Y/n: Me too, I really miss you guys. Minho misses you too but he never really wants to admit it
Mom: Does he? That very nice to hear!
Y/n: Mhm, I'll be really really happy to see you again some time when he's on break
Mom: Me too

Lee Know gently took the phone and talk to his mum while holding your hand and swinging it back and forth.

Lee Know: Hey Eomma, it's me again
Mom: Oh hello
Lee Know: How are you and dad? Are you guys healthy?
Mom: Yes, we are doing fine
Lee Know: That's good
Mom: Sorry son, I have to go now I'm in a hurry
Lee Know: Ok, no problem
Mom: Bye!
Lee Know: Buh bye

He hung up and started to fiddle with his bottom lip with his pinky finger.

Y/n: What is it, you okay?
Lee Know: I forgot to ask her about the cats

Y/n: What is it, you okay?Lee Know: I forgot to ask her about the cats

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Mini Lee Know ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora