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It was one of those lazy days where comeback promotions ended and Minho had longer breaks which gave you two plenty of time to spend together.

You and Minho were on the couch together, hand in hand as you laid on his chest. He had his arm securely wrapped around your shoulder while he occasionally gave you small pats on the back. You two were both on your phones, scrolling through social media and not talking at all. The silence felt pretty comfortable and all that could be heard were faint sounds of birds chirping and vehicles passing by since it was day time.

You put your phone faced down on the coffee table before raising your head to look at him and giving him a light peck on the jaw. He looked down at you and kissed your forehead since your faces were too far away from each other to reach the lips. For a while, you stare at each other with eyes full of admiration. Both of you felt loved by the other, it was the best feeling to have.

"Your breath smells, Minho" You laugh while sitting up. He throws his arms around your waist and brings you back down.
"I was breathing through my nose"  He taps his finger on the tip of your nose while giving you that cute smile he has.
"You can still smell breath"
"Really? Jisung told that to me too but I didn't believe him. I love Ji but that boy is nuts"
You chuckle. "It smells like you had cat food for lunch"
He gasped "It must've been the tuna sandwiches"

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