Chapter fifty four - In which you die

Start from the beginning

The older of the two men stepped forward and looked at you coldly. His nose was bent out of shape and covered in the same blood which covered your right fist. You were shivering violently; it was a freezing cold day outside already, even without being drenched in cold water in nothing but a tank top and leggings. They'd even taken your shoes.

"You're Y/N." the man said, as though this wasn't perfectly obvious to you that that was the case. You said nothing.

"We were going to take your friend Natasha, but you'll do perfectly well instead." he told you.

"What do you want from me?" you asked, trying to sound braver than you felt. Surely the others would find you, your bracelet had a tracker in it.

"Well, nothing. That is rather the point."

They were going to kill you.

"You killed my father."

You looked up in shock. The younger of the two men, the one who looked as though he'd been crying, was glaring at you. He was practically shaking with rage, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"I- I can assure you, I didn't." you replied, frankly startled by the sheer anger this stranger was directing at you.

"Thomas' father was at the meeting in London the day you set the bomb off." the older man explained, watching you intently. You gaped at them both, beginning to feel sick from the chill which was now setting into your bones.

"I- I didn't set any bomb o-off. We- I d-didn't even know-" you tried to explain, your teeth chattering as you shook.

"How did you survive then!? How come he died and you lived?!" Thomas shouted, approaching you angrily.

"Please, I d-don't know-"

"You don't know." he repeated scornfully.

"You and your little team of superheroes have pissed a good few people off, HYDRA or not. It's always "they saved this person" and "they stopped this from happening" and never "here's all of the people that have died because of their stupidity." So we decided to take matters into our own hands, it wasn't hard to get HYDRA in on the plan after your little showdown in London."

You were barely listening at this point, unable to comprehend just how cold you had become. Would you even be able to summon your magic if you tried?

"Really, all of you deserve to die. But we thought plucking one of you from the middle and killing you would be more poignant. I wonder how Tony Stark will feel when he finds out he couldn't save you? Possibly quite similar to how Thomas here felt when he found out that his father was dead."

As he talked he walked closer and closer to you, eventually leaning over you and resting his hand on the back of the chair you were tied to. You were shaking uncontrollably, acutely aware that your vision was staring to fade.

"We'll soon find out." the man told you, smiling softly before giving the back of the chair a tiny push. The chair rocked backwards, suspended in space for a fraction of a second before you fell. You'd been unaware that you had been so near the edge of the deck.

When you hit the surface of the Hudson river, it almost felt warm.

That was when you knew that you were going to die.

Your brain grew fuzzy as you sank, shouldn't you be floating? They'd probably attached weights to the chair to make you sink.







The river wasn't very deep, but when you hit the riverbed you may as well have been at the bottom of the ocean. You hadn't even thought to take a breath before you fell. What a stupid way to die, you thought to yourself, lying on your back tied to a chair at the bottom of a river which wasn't even that deep.

Your lungs began to spasm as you ran out of breath, and you thought of the team. Your heart contracted painfully, was it because you hadn't been able to say goodbye or because you were drowning? Probably the latter.

Whoever said drowning was peaceful had obviously never drowned before, because this was not peaceful, far from it in fact.

Aware that you only had a few seconds of thought left, you decided that you should be thinking about something far more profound.

You watched the sunlight sparkling on the surface of the water and the rays which were barely reaching down to you at the bottom of the river, and you thought of Loki.


Far, far away, in an entirely different realm, a tall man with long black hair collapsed to his knees as he felt his very soul ripped out of his chest. 

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