Pity Party: Part 7 (Bakugo)

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I walked up to my room, and this time Bakugo didn't follow me. He stayed downstairs talking to some of the others, which gave me my chance to escape.

As soon as I walked into my room, I stared at my desk that was covered with my work. I didn't have much to keep working on, so I decided to give myself a small break and started watching a movie.

I was laying down on my bed, and was only a couple minutes in on the movie when there was a knock on my door. I paused the movie before I got up, and walked over to the door and opened it to see Bakugo.

"Yes?" I sighed. 

"You need to drink more water." He told me and held out a water bottle. I sighed again before I took the bottle from him.

"Anything else?" I asked him.

"Give me your spare key." He told me, and I looked at him weird.

"Why?" I asked him, and he walked into my room.

"Just give my your spare key." He demanded and I pulled it out of my desk's drawer. I went to hand it to him, but I pulled my hand back. 

"Give me yours then." I told him. He rolled his eyes and pulled his keys out of his pocket and handed me his spare key.

"Don't be weird with it." He told me, and snatched my key from me. 

"You either." I told him and sat back on my bed.

"What are you watching?" He asked me, before I could hit play. 

"A movie that Mina recommended to me." I told him. "Do you want to watch it too?"

"Whatever." He answered and walked out of my room closing the door behind him. I took a deep breath, and rolled my eyes at him. I'll never understand that boy.

I hit play, and hugged a pillow to my chest before I took a sip out of the water bottle. 

After a whole thirty seconds, my door busted open and I jumped as Bakugo walked in with a fuzzy orange blanket and a bag of candy.

"Seriously?" I asked as he sat next to me on my bed and put the candy bag down and revealed that under the blanket he had been hiding a plushie All Might pillow. "Seriously?" I asked again and this time I couldn't help but laugh.

"Shut up." He told me. "Tell anyone, and I'll kill you." I couldn't stop giggling as I rewound the movie to start it over. 

We sat next to each other watching the movie for a while, but there was something bugging me in the back of my mind. Something that he had said at dinner just wouldn't stop bothering me.

"Hey Bakugo?" I asked, but instead of looking at him I looked down at my lap.

"Hmm?" He hummed, and stuck a piece of candy in his mouth.

"How did you know that Momo touching my back bothered me?" I asked him, he didn't say anything. There was the chance that he could just tell from my reaction, but I couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right about it still. "Or how did you know to give me a smaller amount of food? Or that I should have all of the food groups for my first meal in a while?"

"Well you-." He started to say, but with how long he took to answer, I knew he was going to lie.

"I want the truth." I told him, and once again he was silent. I paused the movie, cause I know neither of us were paying attention to it.

"My sister." He said. I couldn't help but flinch. "She was anorexic too."

"I didn't know that you have a sister." I said and looked at him, he was looking down at his lap. 

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