Blindness is Key: Part 10 (Bakugo)

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I opened my eyes, and I could smell food being made downstairs. Bakugo still had his arm around me, and I managed to scoot out of his grip and slide off the bed. As soon as my feet hit the floor I could tell that it was still decently early, since it didn't look like anyone was out of bed yet.

I snuck out of the room and down the hall to mine and Mina's room.

"Morning." Mina asked as soon as I closed the door, and I turned towards her.

"Morning." I said, and started digging though my bag for some clothes.

"How was your sleep with Bakugo?" She asked me.

"I didn't sleep with Bakugo." I said, trying to lie.

"Mhm, then why did Kiri send me a picture of you two this morning?" She asked me.

"If I can't see it, it doesn't exist." I told her, and changed into some workout clothes. "Did Mr. Aizawa say where we were going to be training?"

"He said we were going to be working at the beach." She answered, and I froze.

"The beach?" I asked, trying to clarify what she said. "Like, with sand?"

"Yeah." She said and I couldn't help but whine. "What's wrong with that?" She asked and started changing herself.

"I can't see in sand." I told her. "When I step in sand all I see is static. I don't even know if I can control sand."

"Well it's still technically earth isn't it?" Mina asked me and I felt her feet hit the floor.

"Sure it's earth, but it's so broken up and small that I can't see." I told her. "It's not solid piece of earth."

"Well maybe Mr. Aizawa has a plan for your training." She said, and we headed down stairs. Mina guided me down the stairs, and when my foot hit the first floor, I could see almost everyone was awake now and eating breakfast.

"Morning y/n." Kiri cooed, he was on the couch.

"Shut it." I told him, and he laughed. "Mr. Aizawa, can I talk to you?" I asked and sat at the kitchen's bar counter, while he made breakfast.

"What is it?" He asked me.

"Mina told me that we're going to be training at the beach." I said. "And I can't see in sand."

"I figured, which is why we're going to be working on with your other senses." He said, and a plate got place in front of me.

"Oh, fun." I said, not really excited. I started eating the pancake that was on the plate. "I can't remember the last time I had a pancake." I said.

"Whys that?" Denki asked, as he walked into the kitchen. My guess to get seconds.

"Well it's pretty messy, and it's hard for me to flip it without it landing on the floor." I said. "With or without a spatula. I've never actually flipped a pancake in the air before."

"Well come here." Mr. Aizawa told me and I walked around the counter. He took my hand and placed it on the flat pan on the stove and I grabbed it.

"This is not going to go well." I said, and Mr. Aizawa showed me the movement I needed to make to flip the pancake in the air.

"Can you see it on the pan?" He asked and I moved the pan a bit and the pancake moved a bit.

"Yeah." I said.

"Okay, now just flick your wrist a bit and it should be fine." He said and backed away from me.

"'Should', being the key word there." I said, and took a deep breath before I flicked my wrist and I felt the pancake leave the pan. I held my breath until it landed back on the pan and everyone cheered.

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