Pity Party: Part 6 (Bakugo)

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I quickly went back to my dorm room, and Bakugo was right behind me the whole time. I quickly tried to close the door, but before I could he grabbed the door and pushed it open.

"Stop messing around." He told me, and closed the door behind him. "Where's your medication?" I walked into my bathroom and opened my medicine cabinet and grabbed the bottle. I tried opening it, but it wouldn't budge. "Let me see it."

"I got it." I snapped at him, and kept trying to open it. But I didn't have the strength to do it.

Eventually Bakugo took it from me, and opened it with ease. I held my hand open and he poured two of the pills into my hand. 

"I don't understand why you do this to yourself." He told me, and put the bottle back in my cabinet while I filled the glass I had with water.

"You wouldn't understand." I told him and took the pills. I swallowed as little of the water as I could, and before the glass could really leave my lips Bakugo pushed the glass back to my mouth.

"All of it." He told me. I tried fighting against him, but he didn't give up. Reluctantly, I drank all the water in the glass, before Bakugo let me set the glass down. "Show me." He told me, and I opened my mouth, and moved my tongue so he could see that I had actually swallowed the pills. Finally he let me out of the bathroom, and instead of leaving he sat down on my bed. "How would I not understand?" 

"You're a guy, you could eat three pizza's and lose five pounds." I told him, and sat down at my desk.

"That's not true." He said, and I turned my head to glare at him.

"But it's still easier for guys to lose weight." I told him. "Besides, I'm sure you've always been as skinny as you are now."

"I was a chunky kid." He told me, and I laughed.

"No, what I bet what you had was baby fat." I told him. "Meanwhile I'm just fat." I whispered so quietly to myself, that I could barely hear myself. 

Suddenly my chair was spun around, and Bakugo was right in my face.

"Don't say that." He told me. 

"How'd you even hear-?" I started to ask him, but he suddenly grabbed my arms and shook me.

"Don't say that, you hear me?" He asked me, and I could only look at him weird. "Answer me dumb ass."

"I guess." I told him and turned back around to my desk. I pulled out some work that I still had left from me missing class the other day and started working on it. After a couple of minutes, I turned my head to see that Bakugo was still on my bed, scrolling on his phone. "What are you still doing here?"

"Looking after you, dumb ass." He told me, without looking up from his phone.

"Why?" I asked him, and he still didn't look up from his phone. He didn't answer me either. I sighed and turned away from him.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me.

"No." I told him, and lied. I was starting to feel the medication kicking in.

"I know you're lying." Bakugo said.

"No I'm not." I told him.

"You haven't eaten, in over a week." He said, and I just tried to hide under my hair. "Let me make you something to eat."

"Bakugo I'm not-." I started to say, and I turned around to him standing right behind me. I couldn't help but jump, as I wasn't expecting him to be right there.

I was expecting him to yell at me, or just keep arguing with me. But instead he held his hand out. I took his hand and he lead me down stairs and into the kitchen.

"Sit." He told me, and I sat down at the kitchen table. He started cooking, and the food smelled amazing. By the time he was done and set the plate down in front of me, the pills had fully kicked in. And I wanted nothing more than to devour it. But I couldn't let myself do that.

"Thank you." I told him and started picking at the plate. He had made sautéed vegetables, with a small mound of rice and small amount of meat.

"Eat at least half." He told me, and poured me a glass of milk. I was surprised to hear him say that and not all of it. Especially since the amount of food he put on my plate wasn't much to begin with.

He sat down with me and ate as well. Not long after some of our classmates started filing into the kitchen to grab some dinner as well.

"Hey there y/n, how come you weren't in class today?" Mina asked as she came into the kitchen.

"I didn't feel well." I told her, and Momo walked over and rubbed on my back. I closed my eyes, and I didn't want her touching my body.

"Did you go see Recovery Girl?" She asked and I turned around to face her, and pulled away from her hand in the first place.

"Yeah, I'm doing better now." I told her, and she nodded before going to make herself a plate of food too.

I turned back to my plate and after Momo had touched my back, I could only think about the size of her hand compared to the size of my shoulders. I felt huge.

I had already eaten half of the food, that Bakugo gave me which meant that I didn't have to keep eating. I picked at it, and rolled a carrot back and forth on my plate.

After a couple of more minutes, everyone was done getting dinner and had left the kitchen. So it was just me and Bakugo again.

"Momo ruined it, didn't she?" He asked, and I looked up at him. "When she touched your back?" I nodded, and he took my plate from me. He put my food in a separate dish and placed it in the refrigerator with my name on it. I got up and helped him with dishes.

"Thank you for helping me." I told him as I was drying a plate. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that he was looking at me. But I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye. "I know I've been a bit of a pain in the ass, and I've been really moody, and all of that. And I'm sorry, but I really appreciate you sticking with me through this."

"No problem." He told me, and we continued the dishes in silence. A very peaceful silence.

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