"But seriously, it's his loss. So what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know. I can't give up you know. I won't. One day, I'm going to open my own daycare and learning centre," I vowed.


It's been one week and I still haven't found anyone suited to be Emelia's nanny.

With that thought, my mind drifted to the brunette who has invaded my thoughts since she left my home.

Ok. So she was beautiful and smart and the most suitable candidate to be my daughter's nanny, but... Ok.  Fine.  So there is no but.

I can't stop thinking about her. The way her breath caught when she caught sight of me. The way her eyes rounded in surprise. The way she defended herself with dignity and class. The way her mouth moved when she talked. The fire in her golden brown eyes when she was angry. The way she talked to my daughter and made her laugh.

God, she was so beautiful.

"I want you to love again Massimo. You have such a big heart. Find that person who will love you and our baby, and love her in return. Love her with all your heart."

Cassie's letter rang in my head. Then Arabella's face filled my mind.

Then I turned and my wife's face greeted me. I grabbed the frame and held it in my hands.

Tears sprang in my eyes and I blew out a big breath.

Guilt start to rise in me. I shouldn't be thinking about anyone this way. Most importantly, I shouldn't be feeling this way about anyone.

I can't. I loved Cassie with all my heart, and I could never love another the way I loved her.

"I miss you so much, innamorata. Not a day goes by when I don't think of you. I wish you were still here with us. I love you so much, innamorata."

With that thought, I put the thought of Arabella out of my head and focused on the work I have in front of me.

It's just my libido reacting to a beautiful woman. I'll forget about her soon enough.

But somehow, I found it hard to believe my own words. I have a feeling that thoughts of Arabella will continue to invade my mind for a very long time.

At around 6pm, I realized I wouldn't be home in time for dinner and in time to put Lia to bed. So I called home to let Evelyn know.

"Hello," Evelyn's voice greeted me.

"Evelyn, how is everything? I hope Lia isn't giving you too much trouble," I said.

"Oh no, sir. Lia is a delightful child. You know I love that child as if she were my granddaughter," she said.

I smiled. I trust Evelyn tremendously. She's been with my family since before I was born. My mother sent her to me when I moved permanently to New York. She's like family.

"Thank you again, Evelyn for looking after her. As soon as I find someone, everything will be back to normal," I assured her.

"Mr. Anastasi..." She said.

"Evelyn, when will you get used to calling me Massimo? You have always called me that as a child. I don't understand why you stopped," I said lightly. "You're family."

"I only ever called you that when you were making trouble," she said.

I laughed "Which was often if I remember correctly."

She laughed, "you were a very energetic boy"

I laughed. "Well isn't that a nice way of putting it."

"Anyways, Massimo, I was just wondering, I honestly thought that Arabella was perfect for the job. I was just wondering what happened," she said.

I groaned inwardly when I heard her name. What do I say to that?

"I just felt like, she's overqualified. She's better off working at a school or a daycare...or... anyways, I'm sure I'll find someone soon," I said. "But listen, I just called to let you know that I won't be home for dinner. I just have to finish up on paperworks."

"That's quite alright Sir. Would you like to speak to Lia?"

"Yes, please," I said and a moment later my daughter's voice greeted me.

"Hi daddy," she said cheerfully.

"Hi principessa, how are you?"

"I'm good, daddy, I plays all day, and E'lyn and I made cookies. I helps her daddy," she said proudly.

"Really? That's great sweetheart."

"I save you some daddy."

"You did? I can't wait to try them," I said. "Look, principessa, daddy called to say I'll be home late tonight. Daddy has to finish up on some work."

"Okays, Daddy," she said.

"You be good, okay?"

"I will daddy. I love you."

"I love you, too," I said.

"Bye, daddy."

"Bye," I said before hanging up.

Suddenly I feel energized again. It's funny how a simple conversation with my daughter could brighten up my day...well in this case night.

I took a big breath and went back to work.

By the time I got home, it was 11pm. I was exhausted and I still have an early morning meeting tomorrow.

I quickly made my way up the stairs to Lia's room.

I smiled at the sight of her. I gave her a quick goodnight kiss, before I left her room.

The thought that I still don't have a nanny for her, worries me, and I know I have to find one soon.

Arabella once again invades my thoughts.

Merda! I'm getting hard just thinking about her.

I decided to take a quick cold shower to take care of business.

I can't get her out of my mind.

I climbed to bed, hoping that I'll fall asleep quickly. But I just kept thinking of Arabella and I can't help but wonder if she's thinking of me too.

With that last thought in mind, I finally succumb to exhaustion and fell asleep.



Innamorata: sweetheart

Merda: Shit

Just Tell Me You Love Me (Book 1 in the Just Series) *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now