Chapter fifty three - In which Thor goes missing

Start from the beginning

The next two months passed without incident (unless you counted Clint setting the toaster on fire and almost burning the whole kitchen down), and you settled easily back into the life which you called normal. Loki still went on missions for SHIELD, but he wasn't gone for half as long as he used to be, a fact which you were extremely grateful for.

Everything was fine until the morning Thor disappeared.

You didn't even notice until around mid-afternoon, but only because you'd been training with Nat all morning and it wasn't unusual for everyone not to be around on any given day. Upon entering the kitchen with Nat, it immediately struck you that something was wrong with Loki. He was above you somewhere, the roof?

What's wrong?

Thor is gone.

What? What does that mean?

"You okay Y/N?" Nat was peering at you; your confusion must have shown on your face.

"Loki is saying that Thor is gone." you replied, while simultaneously listening to Loki's reply.

He's not here, on Midgard I mean. I think he must be on Asgard.

Did he not say anything before he left?


"Gone? What does he mean, gone?" Nat was asking, and now Steve had joined the conversation too. Bruce was listening in from a sofa across the room.

"What's going on? Thor's where?"

Loki chose this moment to teleport into the kitchen, making everyone apart from you startle. While Nat and Steve asked him questions you went about making yourself some lunch. You were worried about Thor, but you were also very hungry.

"I'm sure he'll be back this evening with a perfectly good explanation as to where he was." Steve said confidently. Loki looked unconvinced. He was worried, and that made you worried. But not worried enough not to eat your lunch.

Contrary to Steve's belief, Thor did not return that evening. Nor did he return the next evening. Or the next, or the next. Oddly, the longer Thor was missing for, the more relaxed Loki became.

"It means that it's more likely he's on Asgard, remember when we went for two days and a week passed on Midgard?"

You on the other hand, like the rest of the team, only became more and more concerned as the days went by.

Exactly eight days after Thor disappeared, you, Loki, Clint and Bucky were sat around the kitchen island discussing some meaningless subject, when Loki stiffened suddenly and sat bolt upright. A second later he vanished. Clint and Bucky both looked blankly at you for an explanation; you looked back just as blankly.

"I think Thor might be ba-" you were rendered unable to finish your sentence as something very large and very solid hit you square in the chest, knocking the breath out of you. Or that's what it felt like anyway.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Clint and Bucky both looked extremely concerned.

You didn't reply, couldn't reply. Grabbing hold of the table for support you concentrated on the stability of it to help you teleport up to the roof after Loki.

What happened? What happened, are you okay?

Thor was stood a few metres away from Loki on the rooftop, looking distraught. The pain that he was feeling was clear to see in his face. The pain that Loki was feeling was even clearer, for it was as though the pain he felt was your own. It was your own. He didn't reply to your question, shock crashing over him and you both.

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