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I make sure the little girl is safe in my arms as we walk the corridors of this hell. This is why she shouldn't have gotten pregnant. Carl is in so much pain and Rick will be in so much more. Once we get to our cell block, I lock the door behind us. I try wiping my tears away, knowing my appearance won't help Rick in any manner. When we step outside, all eyes turn to the crying baby. When Rick locks eyes with me, my heart drops. He looks at me with pained eyes and I just drop my head, admiring the young girl to avoid the pain in my brothers eyes.

"W-where?" He can't even get all of his words out as I look up and shake my head. "No! No, no, no, no, no!" He grabs Carl and pulls him into a hug before looking at the baby and storming off inside.

"Rick!" I yell, not able to move. "You can't go in there!" He just ignores me as I look back to the group. Everyone looks devastated. Daryl comes over to me not soon after and pulls me into a hug. That's when I let it all out, not caring who sees.

I feel someone take the baby girl from arms, I look and see it's Glenn. I send a weak smile to him and pull Daryl closer to me. He plants kisses on my forehead to let me know that he's there. After a little while, Glenn and Maggie burst outside. I stand from my spot on Daryl's lap as I look at them.

"We need to get formula, she's starving." I nod, knowing it's probably been a few hours.

"I'm coming."

"No you're not." Glenn and Daryl say in unison.

"That is my niece, possibly my step daughter, I need to be there for her."

"Let her come." Maggie begs. "It'll get her mind off of it all." The boys reluctantly agree and off we are to god knows where.

"Be careful." Daryl says as he gives me a kiss once the other two go to the car.

"Always." I hop in the back seat, nothing but hope set in my mind. About ten minutes into the drive and three stops later with no luck, I get an idea. "Glenn!" He jumps from my sudden out burst.

"God. You can't go from not taking at all to yelling at me." He says as he holds his chest.

"There's a store here with hope. The place Daryl and I found Martinez at had a store that looked to be untouched since the start." After a quick nod and a few turns, we make it to the place where Daryl and I had our encounter with Martinez.

I let Maggie and Glenn get their own supplies, while I filled a bag of my own. They kept talking about how they want a baby in a few years since we have four strong walls and a child close to their future baby's age. I just keep my distance to hold my tongue. I killed my brothers wife and his baby almost didn't survive. She died and all they can talk about is how they want a baby. I just push my thoughts back to lessen my anger.

"Our bag is full, we'll wait in the car!" Glenn calls to me. I finish putting the last baby bottle in my bag before I step out. There's a crib I need Glenn to help me carry. Once I close the door, I see Maggie with a gun to her head and Glenn with his hands in the air. I quickly grab my gun and point it to the man with a knife where his hand should be. Once I cock my gun, the man looks at me. Merle. I smile a bit, happy to see an old friend, but that smile quickly fades as I realize what's going on.

"Merle?" His eyes soften a bit before he tightens his grip on Maggie.

"Well if it isn't Sargent Pleasure." He laughs.

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