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I just nod and feel the stinging sensation in my back once I feel Glenns' hand placed on my back. I jump a little from the pain and he notices.

"Are you okay?" I just nod, but Hershel looks my way and motions for me to come closer. I oblige and shake my head as I turn around.

"It's just a scratch." I see Glenn's eyes widen a bit at my statement. That probably wasn't a good choice of words. Hershel lifts the back of my shirt up and the rain clashes a little harder on the roof of the limo. "I fell when I had Daryl's bow on my back, it wasn't a walker." He nods and Hershel lowers my shirt.

"You're right, it's just a scratch. It'll probably be sore for a few days, but it will heal on its own." I nod in thanks and move to Belle. I pick her up and lay her in one of the seats.

"We're going to be here for a while." I take her soaked jacket off and reach for my bag. I mutter a few cuss words when I find it not on my back. Hershel takes the flannel from under his jacket off and passes it my way. "You don't have to do that." He shakes his head.

"Look at her." I do and see her trying to hold her arm to warm herself. I nod and place the article of clothing on her small frame. She immediately wraps herself in it and try's to warm herself. After about ten minutes, Belle and Hershel fall asleep, leaving Glenn and me awake.

"Did you ever go to prom?" He looks at me with a small smirk and squints his eyes.

"Yeah, why?"

"Did you ever rent a limo?" He stifles a laugh and nods his head slightly.

"Yeah. My senior prom. This girl, Lydia and I, we had been dating for seven months and I wanted to go big. I worked overtime so I could afford it without her having to pay a dime and I picked her up in that limo. You know what happened next?"

"What?" I ask with a smile.

"She dumped me, in the middle of our first dance. She'd been cheating on my the whole time." My smile drops and my hand flies to my mouth.

"Are you serious?" He nods with a smile.

"I was so glad though. I planned on going all the way with her that night, but it turned out she had AID's. The other guy really bit the bullet didn't he?" I could help but laugh, causing him to laugh. I shake my head and try to contain my laughter when I see Belle start moving slightly.

"Oh Glenn."

"What?" We holds good eye contact for about three seconds before we both start laughing again, causing a loud bang on the door. I shush him and look to see Belle and Hershel still asleep.

"I'll deal with them, you just need to go to sleep. We've got a big day ahead of us." He just nods as I grab my knives and swing the door open. It's a little brighter, meaning it's almost sunrise and we'll be heading out soon. I grip the knife and throw it at the first walker. It falls and that's when I notice the large number of walkers heading this way. Great, we have another highway situation on our hands. I pop my head into the limo and Glenn turns to me.

"You okay?" I nod before making sure Belle was still asleep.

"There's a lot coming, make sure you keep them in here. I'm going to warn the others."

Madison GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now