9- living with a handful of idiots, a target, and a parasite

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y/n: doppio let me kill you, you too sexy ahah <3


the last thing i want to happen in this situation is to come into any physical contact with this insect, this cretin i call doppio, yet here i am, thrown over his shoulders like a helpless child. normally, i would be ok with coming into contact with him and anyone else, but being handled like this? my face is fifty shades of red.

no, im not flustered, nor am i thinking 'kyaa~! doppio is carrying me, how romantic!'

actually, my face is going red because im embarrassed. -i mean, im a well known and widely feared serial killer, and yet here i am, laying defeated on my own targets shoulder.

doppio, with minimal effort, tossed my bags into the trunk of his car, freeing his other arm of any weight that i originally was sure would knock him to the ground. without warning, this innocent, seemingly weak man, swung my body off of his shoulder and to his front, my legs scooped under one of his hands with the other supporting my back.

truly, i thought my cheeks couldnt get any darker, though apparently i was wrong. i felt the heat rise further up my face as doppio smirked, his smug smile matching his mischievous hazel eyes. "blushing, are you? dont tell me youre falling for me already~"

i will punt you like a whole football. "keep dreaming, doppio! its just hot out here and the blood was rushing to my head from hanging upside down, you himbo."

"it was worth a shot.."he pouted, sighing as he opened the passenger door and carefully sitting me down in the seat. i could feel [Mr. Fear] holding me back from punching this man straight in the face as he buckled me up, sliding the seatbelt over my torso and briefly brushing against my chest.

"i can put on my own seatbelt, doppio."

"i know."

you know, do you now? you know? you know? then WHY am i being treated like a whole TODDLER- "then why would you put on my seatbelt for me?"

he looked at me in the eye and smiled before closing the car door, not answering my question. i gritted my teeth, my stands child-like voice echoing in my head like a voice in the woods late at night, mocking me. "master, your face is really red. you need to calm down."

my fingertips danced along my cheeks, discovering that they were still a deep crimson based on the heat. in fact, my cheeks are so hot, that im sure i could fry an egg or two on them! the drivers car door slammed shut unexpectedly, making me jolt.

doppio laughed, turning to face me with an amused expression. "sorry, did i scare you?"

scare me? bitch i just about shat myself. "no, youre fine! i just wasnt paying attention.."

"alright then.."

with the small clink of the keys, the cars engine roared into life, my seat lightly shaking beneath me. i was somewhat startled, though not enough for the dickwad next to me to notice. "master!" my stand called. "you must ask that man if you will be safe at where youre going, and what to expect when you arrive!"

i nodded to myself, doppio turning to face me with a quizzical expression. i lifted my chin confidently, as if to pretend i wasnt a blushing mess earlier, because i  want to believe that i wasnt. "to clarify, youre going to basically keep me captive at passione headquarters for about a week until its clear im not morte nascosta?"

How to Hide a Body (doppio x killer!gn!reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat