2- vintage coffee and rotting bodies

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"you gotta try something new every now and again, you know?" he asked, fishing a few dollar bills out of his wallet.

i dont know too much about how to build a relationship, but i know part of it is by gifting someone something. hoping to build his trust, i refused to take his cash, shaking my head with a gentle smile. "its alright doppio, its on the house."

he pouted, "i cant not pay, after all, this is my favorite bakery and i want nothing more than to support it.."

he truly was too sweet, though i couldnt care less. an idea clicked in my mind, making my face light up. if wont accept not paying me for the treat he chose, ill just give him one of my favorite treats instead. telling him to wait a moment, i disappeared into the backroom in search of the special sweet, pushing the rotting corpses of my recent victims aside to reach a rather high shelf. 

the room had a metallic stench to it, the smell of decaying bodies filtering into my nose as i grabbed a bucket of lollipops. i stumbled back into the front room, hastily closing the door behind me so the reeking air of dead bodies didnt slip into the main bakery air, which smelled of vanilla and rose. doppio looked at me with curiosity, watching me drop the bucket of suckers onto the counter with a 'thud'. "go ahead and take one! its just something to hold you over for a while when youre done with your cake!"

he looked through the large assortment of hard candy, his eyes dawdling up to me again. "are you sure?"

"yep~!" i giggled, internally killing myself for not poisoning one of the lollipops before hand. for now, im just going to have to build up trust as planned. "pick whichever one you want, and if you smile for me, ill give you two!"

he raised an eyebrow at my proposition, eyeing the candy for a moment before slightly smiling. i clasped my hands together, growing weak from the fact i had to keep up this sweet facade for so long. "aww, look at that million dollar smile! truly a winner!"

doppios small smile grew a little more as he dug his hand into the bucket of candy, pulling out a green apple and a strawberry sucker. humming, he stuffed them into his pocket, turning back to grab his cheesecake after leaving the money on the counter. "see you tommorow, mx. (y/n)!"

i wiped my hands on my white apron, looking up to smile at doppio. "goodbye doppio!"

the bell above my door chimed as doppio left my little bakery, giving me the chance to groan loudly in built up frustration and anger before another customer came in. taking my small window of opportunity to properly go on my 'break', i scrambled out from behind my silver counter, flipping my sign on the door so that it told anyone passing by that the baker, myself, was on break and would be closed during the time i was gone.

unable to contain my smile, i raced into my backroom again, stripping myself free of my apron. [killing me softly] manifested, its tv screen head displaying a smiley face as it knew what we were about to do, beginning to help me undress. in only my black underwear, i dug around in my cabinet, fishing my hand in the empty space until i felt a familiar pair of shiny vinyl pants.

pulling my outfit on, with the help of my stand, all i had left to do was grab my chapeaux and mask and i could be on my way. it was a common thing for me to go out into italy on my break to stalk and observe my targets, my current one being doppio. after all, i need to memorize their schedule to be able to find an open window for the kill.

 after lacing up my boots and attaching my waist cape, [killing me softly] hid itself in the shadows of my outfit, only to come out when instructed by me. quickly applying black paint around my eyes, i slipped on my skeleton mask, hiding my face from the eyes of anyone completely. after tossing my large brim chapeaux onto my head, i ran out of the back doors to my bakery, using my barbed wire to swing myself in the direction of where doppio left.

How to Hide a Body (doppio x killer!gn!reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora