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as you all know, a fic wouldn't be completed without the iconic 'notes & extras page' full of things that didnt make it into the book, or were changed (or simply things that weren't explicitly mentioned)

so, here we go~!

- originally, morte was designed completely different than what we have now. the bitch was supposed to be dressed like some black vinyl version of that one hoe from assassins creed, and i mean with the hood and everything-- the skeleton mask replaced with a gas mask (i had already used that in a fic before, and didnt want to rinse and repeat)

- in the 'alternate universe' (the one with the good ending), y/n isn't a serial killer, but does struggle with severe anger issues and intrusive thoughts. thankfully, they got encouragement from doppio to see a therapist, and fixed themselves a bit. 

- in the 'good ending' universe, squalo is cadaveres surfer dude babysitter, and comes over as he pleases because that's just how he works

- now, i wanted to add a plot twist to the whole story behind alessia, but i figured that the ending would be upsetting enough with y/n and doppio never really having a moment together before getting killed

the plot twist was originally that y/ns sister already died, but they continued to visit the hospital because they got attached to some other kid after her death (y'know, with being lonely and grieving and all)-- and this kid happened to be alessia.

alessia became y/ns "little sister", and soon enough, y/n began to believe that they hadn't any other sibling before this one, and that this kid was their true sister no matter what because they were so sick in the head.

as it turned out, alessia was cruella toak's sister, and after alessias death and y/n becoming morte in her name, cruella took offense to y/n having been there for her sister, who was more excited to see y/n than her each visit

cruella only figured out mortes identity because it matched the drawing that alessia made for her, and to lure them in to establish a relationship, cruella got her arm stuck in a bear trap and called for help when she knew that morte was nearby.

at the price of her arm, she managed to keep herself in the back of mortes mind, finding that the killer later came to her since she had told them 'i can give people new stand abilities' when her actual ability acts like a parasite.

tl:dr -- cruella was supposed to be alessias sister, and had her stand kill morte after growing sick of their visits and delusions of alessia being their sister since their real one died

- in the canon universe, cruella toak is a police officer/investigator, who met morte by merely chance. if they hadn't helped her out of that bear trap, then they would've still been alive.

- originally, doppio was supposed to be on the brink of death, set to die in y/ns arms before they could get a chance to kill him themselves. (to elaborate a bit, diavolo didnt want to give morte the satisfaction of getting doppio after all their hard work, and broke him till he was minutes from death)

- i, at first, planned for y/n to kill doppio, then walk away and say something like "what a pity, and i almost caught feelings for you..."  before collapsing and dying due to mister fear.

- there was NEVER going to be a shared kiss between doppio and y/n. i didn't want yall to get that satisfaction >:)

- you ever think god or whoever watches y/n and just kinda goes "hey what the fuck"

- so fun fact: this fic was lowkey inspired by another fic, "Maneater", by Dinosaurs (or something like that), and i received permission to use their stand idea regarding the bell ability since i was drawing a blank. i'd love to link you all to their fic since it's absolutely amazing, but they deleted it :(

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