Yandere Female Monstrum monsters X Male reader

Start from the beginning

(A/n): Yeah I searched the best I could but I couldn't find any fanart of a female version of any of them so just use your imagination.

And now without further ado let's begin the story.

(Y/n)'s pov

I woke up on a cold metal surface with possibly one of the worst headaches I've ever felt.

(Y/n): Ugh my head...where am I?

I pushed myself up and looked around, I seemed to be in a metal room of some sort there was a desk with some computer on it, I walked up to it and tried to turn it on only to see that it was broken.

(Y/n): Well there goes that Idea of finding out where I am.

I looked to the side and saw there was a small sort of crawlspace that led into another room, I decided to just squeze through it, I stepped out into the other room and it looked almost identical to the other one, except for a few file cabinets but nothing that really looked useful.

I turned around and I saw that the Crawlspace that I had squzed through was actually a door...well a doorway technically.

There was some kind of locker shoved in front of the door in such a way that it still allowed someone to get through, it was just a much smaller doorway.

(Y/n): I wonder why someone would shove a locker right there...well no point in wondering about it.

I turned around and saw that there was a metal door at the side of the room, I began to walk towards it when my foot bumped into something, I looked down and saw that there was a flashlight on the floor.

(Y/n): Something tells me you'll come in handy (I said as I bent down and picked it up)

I looked the flashlight over a bit and pushed the power button, it lit up without issue, I then continued on my way before opening the metal door, which looked kind of like those circular metal doors you would find on a ship or submarine.

I stepped through the door only to find myself in some long hallway...the entire enterior was cramped and made from metal.

(Y/n):...(I'm on a fucking ship aren't I?)

Well now there's even more questions...but first things first I need to get out of here, I began to walk down to the right of this hallway, which now that I look at it was kind of rusty at some parts.

Eventually I came to some sort of crossroad like area, in front of me the Hallway continued, to my right was a door to some room, and to my left was a Staircase, I was about to head up the stairs when I suddenly heard a thud on the floor above me as if something took a heavy step, I just stood there listening as the footsteps continued to move forward before the began to head towards...the staircase!

I quickly but quietly ran through the door to my side and closed it behind me, I locked the door behind me and looked around, I was in some sort of security room, I looked over and saw that the monitors still worked and so I quietly walked over to it, sure enough there were security cameras all throughout the ship, I began to look at all of them before finding the camera for the hall right outside my door right as the sound of the footsteps made it down to my level, and that's when I saw it.

Correction...her...because the long hair and large lumps on her chest is a dead giveaway.

It was some tall woman, and I mean 'Tall' like she took up almost the entire hallway by herself, I stared at her as she walked down the hall and closer to the camera (No not like that)

Actually, now that I have a closer look at her...her whole body looks like it's made of dried...magma?

I'm fact where her eyes should be, there instead empty sockets with what appeared to be flowing magma inside them, which is causing some light to come out of her eyes like a searchlight.

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