Vengeful Male Reader X Team STRQ (part 1)

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OK now, this Oneshots going to be a little bit different from the other ones I've written, and no the reader does not end up in a relationship with the entirety of team STRQ, quite the opposite actually...but I'll let you see for yourself.

For your Bio, you are a human with (H/c) hair and (S/c) Skin, but eyes that are black like obsidian which makes your pupils barely noticeable.

Semblance: Reaper form- the Reader summons a set of bone armor around themselves with skeletal wings, their scythe also glows a faint purple color and their speed and power is increased dramatically.

And now we move onto the story.

3rd person POV

In a small forest on the outskirts of Vale, we see a simple wooden house with sky blue walls and a white rim, the camera moves in through a window where we see a middle-aged woman with brown hair, light skin, and obsidian black eyes, her physique was a little more on the petite side who was currently preparing dinner.

This woman's name was Moira (L/n) and although she may look like a normal middle-aged woman, looks can be deceiving...Because this woman here is actually an ex-mercenary, a contract killer to be precise.

You see although her real name was Moira (L/n) also went by the Alias the Blue reaper due to her using a large blue scythe to kill her targets as well as her Semblance, you see Moira was an infamous contract killer back in her day and has successfully assassinated every single target that she's ever been paid to, she's never failed a single request...ever, which has gotten her high demand from various factions looking for her services, even the white fang on some occasions.

And of course, she was also on Remnant's most wanted list with Ozpin, General Ironwood, and pretty much every single law official and government trying to bring her in and make her face charges for her crimes against remnant, but of course being the seemingly unbeatable mercenary she was no matter what or who they threw at her she always came out on top...even famous huntsman and huntresses like the Grim reaper were no match for her.

She was a cold heartless killer who would kill anyone she was paid to without a second thought, and everyone believed that she held no remorse for what she did and was literally incapable of feeling any emotion for anyone...and for a while, they were all right until something changed all of that.

On her last mission 5 years ago when she pretended to be an escort just to get close to a target they ended up getting a little intimate that night, of course, she killed her target and got paid but after a while, she began to get sick...after a quick trip to the hospital, she discovered that after her last job she had accidentally gotten pregnant.

At first, she didn't know what to do, for starters she had no plans on getting pregnant and...quite frankly had no idea what she should do...but after careful considerations, she decided to-

???: Mommy! (A small innocent voice called out)

Yep, that's right, she decided to keep the child, meet (Y/n) (L/n) a five-year-old boy with His father's (H/c) hair and (S/c) skin but his mother's obsidian black eyes.

(Y/n) Ran up to Moira before hugging her leg and looking up at her, Moira smiled warmly at her son, Which wasn't something she did very often before she had him.

Now you'd think that a contract killer wouldn't be the best parent or probably wouldn't even care for their child...but Moira was a special case.

After she gave birth to her son, for the first time in her life she cared for someone other than herself, like a spark that had previously been extinguished had suddenly lit up again.

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